Bob Enyart to Stand Trial on Friday

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Bob Enyart to Stand Trial on Friday

This is the show from Tuesday May 5th, 2009.

If you approve of Dr. Dobson violating the pledge he made by invoking God in order to increase...John McCain's chances of being elected, then you have ranked...your own loyalty to God, as second to the Republican party.


* Brian Enyart, Ken Scott and Bob: invite you to attend their jury trial on Friday in Colorado Springs Municipal Court at 30 S. Nevada Avenue in Colorado Springs (see the posted docket for floor and courtroom). Bob and his co-defendants will arrive by 8:30 a.m. on Friday and they plan to be at court all day, and perhaps again on Monday. Please pray for them, and consider coming out for fellowship at court (like the good-ole-days... that is, the Bible days :) .

* See American Right To Life's Dobson Pledge Protest: for the reason for their September 4, 2008 protest of Focus on the Family, and watch the interesting TV news reports (page down) of the event!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!


New member
Hall of Fame
Weren't they were charged with trespassing on Focus on the Family property? I don't really know.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Kind of lame to tell us he's going to court but not why.
who=Bob and Co.
where=Colorado Springs Courthouse
when=8:30 AM


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Kind of lame to tell us he's going to court but not why.
who=Bob and Co.
where=Colorado Springs Courthouse
when=8:30 AM
You really didn't catch that?

You know, if you'd been following along, then the information in the show should make it clear as to why. Lucky knows. I know. Why don't you?


Well-known member
Weren't they were charged with trespassing on Focus on the Family property? I don't really know.

It would be nice to know. Maybe someone will be kind enough to tell us exactly what he's on trial for.
Bob Enyart to Stand Trial on Friday

This is the show from Tuesday May 5th, 2009.



* Brian Enyart, Ken Scott and Bob: invite you to attend their jury trial on Friday in Colorado Springs Municipal Court at 30 S. Nevada Avenue in Colorado Springs (see the posted docket for floor and courtroom). Bob and his co-defendants will arrive by 8:30 a.m. on Friday and they plan to be at court all day, and perhaps again on Monday. Please pray for them, and consider coming out for fellowship at court (like the good-ole-days... that is, the Bible days :) .

* See American Right To Life's Dobson Pledge Protest: for the reason for their September 4, 2008 protest of Focus on the Family, and watch the interesting TV news reports (page down) of the event!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!

Don't know what hes on trial for, but I wish him the best of luck.


New member
Hall of Fame
You really didn't catch that?

You know, if you'd been following along, then the information in the show should make it clear as to why. Lucky knows. I know. Why don't you?

Umm, if you read Lucky's post, he gives a possibility but then he says he doesn't really know. Why do you have to be such a tool all the time?? :plain:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Umm, if you read Lucky's post, he gives a possibility but then he says he doesn't really know. Why do you have to be such a tool all the time?? :plain:
And he was right. Do you know why he was right? Because he was following the story, and he listened to the show. Imagine that.

and somebody has to be a tool when you're not around.


New member
Hall of Fame
Okay, so, Enyart got busted for trespassing. Ummm...and he's pleased because of the whole wag about no such thing as bad publicity?


Well-known member
Can anyone summarize the case for me?

Why exactly has Bob been charged with trespassing? What are the allegations and defenses?


Formerly Shimei!
Can anyone summarize the case for me?

Why exactly has Bob been charged with trespassing? What are the allegations and defenses?

Trespassing at Focus on the Family's welcome center lobby.

All details can be found here:

American RTL Action calls upon Jim Daly, the president of Focus, to take down the video of Dr. Dobson's pledge which still plays for visitors at their Welcome Center. Dr. Dobson has broken the public oath which he repeated over a period of years including on his Focus on the Family radio program in March of 1995 saying, "I am committed never again to cast a vote for a politician who would kill one innocent baby...


Formerly Shimei!
I couldn't find any details on that page about Bob Enyart being charged with, and standing trial for, trespassing.

That is what they are being charged with, trespassing. The details of why they did it can be found at that site. The trial details I don't know other that what was said on the radio show.
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