Bob Enyart Talks with Ryan Dobson

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Bob Enyart Talks with Ryan Dobson

This is the show from Friday January 26th, 2007.


* Ryan Dobson is Intolerant: and loving it! Listen to two men yearn for the good-ole days when folks would tolerate a healthy dose of intolerance. After all, as Ryan Dobson says, we shouldn't accept everything, because "some things are just plain stupid!"

* Yesterday's Airing of Bob's Call: about Open Theism to KRKS talk show host and Calvary Chapel Aurora Colorado pastor Ed Taylor generated so much positive response, that we thought we'd re-air it at the end of today's program!

Today's Resource: If you can't be at Bob's seminar in Indianapolis tomorrow, you can still read Bob's debate about Open Theism! His opponent is D. James Kennedy's Knox Theological Seminary professor of New Testament, Samuel Lamerson! You will absolutely love Battle Royale X, Is the Future Settled, or Open?, or your money back! Read it for free, online at TOL, or purchase the debate in its more comfortable and helpful 240-page manuscript form, or you can listen to a computer read BR X via an MP3 CD!

Post Show Update: The American Family Association is right on target with their call to boycott Ford Motor Company, because of the increasingly foul programming they are subsidizing, and because of their aggressive promotion of homosexual marriage, etc. Please click here to learn about or to join AFA's Ford Boycott. Ford's advertising on a new program called Dirt, which included a homosexual scene so disgusting that Don Wildmon would not even describe it, convinced me to take action, and join the boycott. Thanks for your consideration! -Bob Enyart
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