Bob Declares His Independence
This is the show from Thursday, July 19th 2012.
Bob and Leslie: Bob and Colorado Right to Life's, Leslie Hanks, discuss where rights come from and how the culture has forgotten about the Declaration of Independence and it's proclamation that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights ~ that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Focus on the Strategy: They do a review of the fantastic trilogy Focus on the Strategy I, II & III, which are a great educational resource for pro-life activists to share with family and friends.
Personhood Petition Deadline: A reminder that the Personhood signature gathering will continue through the end of the month. You are still able to sign a petition or even carry one and help us be on the ballot this fall to legally protect every baby in the womb, at every stage of development.Call 303-456-2800 to help!
This is the show from Thursday, July 19th 2012.
Bob and Leslie: Bob and Colorado Right to Life's, Leslie Hanks, discuss where rights come from and how the culture has forgotten about the Declaration of Independence and it's proclamation that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights ~ that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Focus on the Strategy: They do a review of the fantastic trilogy Focus on the Strategy I, II & III, which are a great educational resource for pro-life activists to share with family and friends.
Personhood Petition Deadline: A reminder that the Personhood signature gathering will continue through the end of the month. You are still able to sign a petition or even carry one and help us be on the ballot this fall to legally protect every baby in the womb, at every stage of development.Call 303-456-2800 to help!