Bob Calls Mike Rosen & Gov. Dick Lamm


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Bob Calls Mike Rosen & Gov. Dick Lamm

This is the show from Wednesday August 10th, 2011.


* KOA's Rosen & Colorado's Former Governor are Pro-Suicide: On July 22, 2011, Bob Enyart called in to Mike Rosen's show on Denver's AM 850 KOA to explain why suicide is wrong during Rosen's interview of former Colorado Governor Dick Lamm (who, as a legislator in 1967, introduced Colorado's abortion decriminalization law). Hear Bob's call on this program and see the transcript below.

Callers: Scott from Longmont gave a tragic account of his acquaintance, an estranged husband who this week murdered his 3-year-old daughter and then committed suicide. Lolita Hanks, Colorado RTL board member, as a nurse practitioner, spoke of the terribly confused values and priorities of the medical industry. Monte from Cheyenne, Wyoming told of a friend whose husband 30 years ago divorced her because he wouldn't abort their daughter and today, as this friend is ill, that same daughter lovingly cares for her mother. Praise God!


Lamm: "I'm in favor of physician assisted suicide. I belong to the Hemlock Society..."

Rosen: “Let’s take a phone call” [turns out it's from a Colorado RTL spokesman, Bob Enyart].

Bob: “Hi guys. Because suicide is wrong it has so many destructive consequences. I’d like to give a couple. It’s destabilizing. The worst suffering in the world is a 15-year-old boy whose girlfriend has left him. So in 2007 suicide was the 3rd leading cause of death for young people in America. And it has become epidemic because there’s no longer a moral stigma against it. If suicide is in your bag of tools for how to deal with suffering, then it affects the world in ways that are not immediately obvious. For example, Jihadist suicide bombers. And we have an epidemic of murder suicide. So when we disobey God’s command, Do not kill the innocent, we undermine the foundation of human civilization.”

Lamm: “Well, it’s an important point. What is a greater horror than a juvenile suicide? However, it begs the question. If we don’t do something, we’re really going to put a huge [tax] burden on the next generation…”

Rosen: “Bob, when you offer a religious argument which is what you are doing, I regard myself as a very moral person. I’ve got a conscience and I conduct myself ethically and morally. I’ve analyzed this topic that we’re talking about now, Bob and if you’re telling me that you’re going to brand me as immoral if I chose to commit suicide under the conditions I’ve talked about I would tell you that you don’t dictate my morality based on your religious beliefs.”

Enyart: “Well I sure don’t but God who made you does.”

Rosen: “There’s a premise there that I don’t accept. You said God who made me. I don’t know if I was made by God… And I’m not an atheist by the way. I just don’t know the answer to these questions.”

Enyart: “Mike, right and wrong flow from our Creator. That’s why it’s wrong to rape and murder.

Rosen: “That’s your assertion. No that’s not why it’s wrong to rape… but all we can do is agree to disagree on this.”

Enyart: “No I don’t agree to disagree Mike. I care about you too much to agree to disagree.”


Rosen: “I’m moved by that and I appreciate it but I’m approaching this rationally and you’re approaching it from a faith based argument that I respect but I don’t share.”

Enyart: “Well Issac Newton would disagree with your description of a belief in God as the Creator as irrational. He wrote more about the Creator God than he did about physics.”

Rosen: “Bring him in here and I’ll give him an apple.” - July 22, 2011 at 10:35 a.m.

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