Billion Dollar Banker-Fraudsters protected by Cloak of Anonymity


New member
Not only are these banker criminals not being put in prison,
but the banks and governments are covering up their names
in an effort to protect them.

Some have been 'fired' or moved around to different jobs.

Crooked bankers are STILL laughing at the law: Barclays and RBS are hit by new £2BILLION fine for rigging markets - but guilty men are protected by cloak of anonymity

Rogue traders at banks fined £2billion for market fixing should be named and jailed, MPs said last night.
Despite manipulating exchange rates to inflate their bonuses and defraud clients, the crooks have escaped criminal punishment and their identities are being kept secret.
Barclays staff were still cheating last September – clear proof that banks have failed to clean up their act after a series of scandals.

Calling themselves the ‘cartel’ and the ‘three musketeers’, the rogue traders used internet chat rooms to plot their crooked deals.
One message from an employee at Barclays, which was fined £1.5billion, summed up their cavalier attitude: ‘If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying.’
In a separate scam, staff ripped off clients by offering them poor prices on foreign currency and pocketing the difference.

John Mann, Labour MP and former member of the Treasury committee, said: ‘Name them, shame them and where possible jail them.’
Ukip’s Douglas Carswell said: ‘If a criminal offence is committed by a constituent of mine I’d expect them to be named. The same should apply to the banksters who criminally rigged markets. This corporatist racketeering gives capitalism a bad name. If we want to safeguard the free market and the system which has made us prosperous we need to treat people guilty of criminal wrongdoing as criminals and throw them in jail.’



New member


New member
Not only are these banker criminals not being put in prison,
but the banks and governments are covering up their names
in an effort to protect them.

Some have been 'fired' or moved around to different jobs.

Crooked bankers are STILL laughing at the law: Barclays and RBS are hit by new £2BILLION fine for rigging markets - but guilty men are protected by cloak of anonymity

Rogue traders at banks fined £2billion for market fixing should be named and jailed, MPs said last night.
Despite manipulating exchange rates to inflate their bonuses and defraud clients, the crooks have escaped criminal punishment and their identities are being kept secret.
Barclays staff were still cheating last September – clear proof that banks have failed to clean up their act after a series of scandals.

Calling themselves the ‘cartel’ and the ‘three musketeers’, the rogue traders used internet chat rooms to plot their crooked deals.
One message from an employee at Barclays, which was fined £1.5billion, summed up their cavalier attitude: ‘If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying.’
In a separate scam, staff ripped off clients by offering them poor prices on foreign currency and pocketing the difference.

John Mann, Labour MP and former member of the Treasury committee, said: ‘Name them, shame them and where possible jail them.’
Ukip’s Douglas Carswell said: ‘If a criminal offence is committed by a constituent of mine I’d expect them to be named. The same should apply to the banksters who criminally rigged markets. This corporatist racketeering gives capitalism a bad name. If we want to safeguard the free market and the system which has made us prosperous we need to treat people guilty of criminal wrongdoing as criminals and throw them in jail.’

As with the Charity scams. Should we expect nothing less than fraud? These organisations are joined at the hip with D.C. And DC is a corrupt, criminal enterprise. It is a Legal Federally sanctioned criminal organisation. Located in a sovereign district, not associated with the U>S. There are three sovereign Districts in the world. DC is one, City of London, and the Vatican. Guess who pushes the buttons?
If interested watch the movie "Syriana".


New member
As with the Charity scams. Should we expect nothing less than fraud? These organisations are joined at the hip with D.C. And DC is a corrupt, criminal enterprise. It is a Legal Federally sanctioned criminal organisation. Located in a sovereign district, not associated with the U>S. There are three sovereign Districts in the world. DC is one, City of London, and the Vatican. Guess who pushes the buttons?
If interested watch the movie "Syriana".

It would be nice even if they sacrificed just a few of their scumbuddies
to at least make it look like some kind of justice was being served.