Bill Maher rips liberals

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The Barbarian

(Warning, on objectionable word in the report)
Maher Trashes Liberal Response To Trump North Korea Meeting: "F*ck You," "It Just Might Work"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date March 10, 2018

On Friday night's broadcast of HBO's Real Time, host Bill Maher said he watched the cable news reaction to President Donald Trump's upcoming meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and ripped liberals for "reflexively hating on this."

"Yeah, and they all failed," he said of prior presidents' handling of the North Korea situation. "So I'm going to file this one under, 'so crazy it just might work.'"

Maher asked liberals, "So what? So what if it works?"

"This could be the one thing that Trump, honestly, is uniquely qualified to pull off," Maher said in his monologue. "Because Kim [Jong-un] and him, Rocket Man and Rainman, are mirror images. In a weird way, they respect and like each other. Trump said he's a smart cookie. They have the same interests -- flattery, celebrity, tyranny. They both have daddy issues and overeating issues and problematic family members and inexplicable hair. They both love missile parades and they both lie on their golf scores and one day you see staff members working for them and the next day they disappear."

"Who is the one American that Kim likes? Dennis Rodman. Well, Trump is the closest thing we're going to get to President Dennis Rodman,"


New member
I don't think there are many people who aren't willing to let him try. But skepticism is warranted, and there are real risks of what he might do if he is unprepared, especially given his proclivities for strongmen and dictators and his willingness to shoot from the hip. The nuclear tests that North Korea was conducting were a danger to the world, but bad diplomacy is also dangerous. And if there is anything that has made Kim Jong Un willing to talk, it is probably the very success that they've had in their nuclear program, because they feel that they can stand on approximately equal footing for negotiating. You only negotiate from a weak position when you're desperate. We should expect the talks to be difficult, technical, and require an attention span that Trump has simply never evinced, and we should expect maximalist demands from them, and if Trump goes in alone without his staff, he's going to get played.

That said, there is a huge potential benefit to successful negotiation, and for that reason, I wish him all the best success and I hope that he will be given support in the negotiations from all of the country. The only real hope for North Korea to liberalize is from within, which simply cannot happen under the drumbeat of perpetual standoff.
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The Barbarian

Only if he does his homework.

It's really tough to do homework when he already knows everything. If this works, it won't be because he knows what he's doing. It's going to have to work on a personal level. As Maher said, he has a lot in common with Kim.

Maybe they can work something out.


New member
It's really tough to do homework when he already knows everything. If this works, it won't be because he knows what he's doing. It's going to have to work on a personal level. As Maher said, he has a lot in common with Kim.

Maybe they can work something out.

You can't pass a calculus test without learning to integrate, and you can't settle any of the many thorny issues between the United States, South Korea, North Korea, and Japan without knowing what they are or why they matter. He must be briefed. He must bring aides and listen to them. Kim Jong Un will not be unprepared, and if Trump is, there is a huge danger in him going. If he goes in there with enough preparation that he doesn't give away the farm, he may have a unique opportunity to work something out.

There have been a few people who have said that conditions in the Korean peninsula couldn't get any worse, so we might as well give this a shot. I think that view demonstrates a significant lack of imagination, or failing that, a lack of historical memory.
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