Its not all 'black and white'.........
Its not all 'black and white'.........
Confessing pagans unrepentantly worship Satan and oppose Jesus Christ.
Gasp. You're in true form there Nang, many would chuckle at this 'assumption', deeming it 'ignorant'. No matter what your imposed 'word-view' or 'theology' is...the way you put it is '
audacious'. (you might know that 'Satanism' is different from 'Paganism' and even 'Witchcraft' in a variety of ways). We've hashed it out before in this thread
Even with your explanation later supplied,...only 'God' knows every heart and soul, since he is the Father of all spirits, and will thru His divine providence guide all souls back to himself, since there is nowhere any soul could go outside of his omnipresence anyways. As you know, my 'theology' is all-inclusive and all-transcending, since the Infinite Spirit and divine principle is fundamentally at the heart of all that exists, as nothing exists independent of it.
They never enter the church or Christian discussion, with good motives.
Oh lordy. Laying out a blanket-judgement call on
all 'pagans' is a 'mis-call', since there are pagans of varying kinds and philosophical dispositions that may or may not be in agreement with 'Christianity' (its different schools or points of theology),...for some forms of paganism can embrace elements of 'judeo-christian' theology/philosophy, especially among us more eclectic types who are 'theosophists' and true 'universalists' at heart.
I once had my affiliation as 'Pagan' for a brief time (I'm not afraid of the term, understanding what it means and its diverse correlations), since aspects of my own 'world-view' embrace some common elements to the more ancient pagan-cultures, those of both 'eastern' & 'western' religious traditions.
Is freelight a pagan?
Of who, the boogy-man? careful and 'open-minded' about any belief-system, ideology, religious point of view, philosophy, assumption, etc.....research it out for yourself to make your own discoveries. That's a path I endorse, because its the only one being true to the faculties that 'God' gave you, apart from which you could not know or perceive anything anyways,...since 'God' is the substance, reality and source of one's own 'being' and 'consciousness', being the only 'reality' behind all that appears. That 'reality' is
ever-present. No one has a 'monopoly' on it, though the mind (or 'religious ego') might tend to hold up its 'denominations' as special, one of a kind, or exclusively
true. - such 'concepts' are
On that note,....apart from my mildly intended sarcasm above in
response to the tone of your statements,...we've kept our dialogues somewhat cordial, so hope we can maintain that, accepting our disagreements, while being free to articulate such. You know I have my 'perks'