<> Bible Paul <>

True or False

Yes, the gospel of grace was given by the Lord Jesus to Paul and I was justified by grace when I believed that gospel message that is found in his epistles.

You believe your life of sin is justified
in truth and are saved from eternal damnation because you believe
what Paul wrote in his epistles?

True or false?


Well-known member
Since Paul's writings have shaped Christianity, and since Christianity has been a major player in shaping the modern world, everyone is directly/indirectly effected by Paul whether they realize it or not - whether they believe him or not.

Those who believe in Paul's writings are the most directly effected by Paul, assuming they act upon their beliefs, since Paul's words become part of how the believer views the world: their paradigm. Everything is filtered and categorized based upon Paul's writings (or, rather, their interpretation thereof).

Of course, if one says they believe Paul but they don't value his teachings enough to act on them - well then their belief is dead and it doesn't mean anything.

True or False

Since Paul's writings have shaped Christianity, and since Christianity has been a major player in shaping the modern world, everyone is directly/indirectly effected by Paul whether they realize it or not - whether they believe him or not.

Those who believe in Paul's writings are the most directly effected by Paul, assuming they act upon their beliefs, since Paul's words become part of how the believer views the world: their paradigm. Everything is filtered and categorized based upon Paul's writings (or, rather, their interpretation thereof).

Of course, if one says they believe Paul but they don't value his teachings enough to act on them - well then their belief is dead and it doesn't mean anything.
You can prove that anything that Paul
said or did has a bearing upon your life.

True or false?
Can you name more than

True or False

Even though Paul of the bible
has no bearing whatsoever upon their lives
they will study and study and study his words
and quote them as if they will magically
uplift their position with God.

True or false?