Beware of Boy Scout Board Member Jim Turley
This is the show from Thursday, June 14th 2012.
* Homosexual Boy Scout Leaders: James Turley, board member of the Boys Scouts wants the Boy Scouts to be open to homosexual scout leaders and members.
* In a Related Story: Jerry Sandusky's trial for 52 child-sex abuse charges is ongoing in PA. Last November, Bob explained how the Penn State child molestation scandal and the molestation of children by priests in the Catholic Church had a common thread... homosexuals in positions of authority having access to children. Listen to "Not Just Another Thanksgiving Show".
Today's Resource: Meet the Apostle Peter in this important Bible study. Have you considered why Peter addresses his letters to no well-known recipients? Rather, similarly to James, John, and Jude, he sends them generically to the circumcision believers scattered abroad. Why? Meanwhile, Peter mentions the Apostle Paul, who addresses his epistles to many well-known leaders and specific regional churches. Teacher Bob Enyart demonstrates that understanding the big picture of the Bible, its plot, helps to see even such small books as First Peter and Second Peter in their proper perspectives. Such biblical observations go a long way toward explaining the differences between Peter and Paul. For as Peter himself wrote of, "our beloved brother Paul" who "has written to you as also in all his epistles… in which are some things hard to understand…"
This fascinating Bible study is available in a 6-DVD set, on MP3-CD or MP3 download. You can click to order online or call us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278).
This is the show from Thursday, June 14th 2012.
* Homosexual Boy Scout Leaders: James Turley, board member of the Boys Scouts wants the Boy Scouts to be open to homosexual scout leaders and members.
* In a Related Story: Jerry Sandusky's trial for 52 child-sex abuse charges is ongoing in PA. Last November, Bob explained how the Penn State child molestation scandal and the molestation of children by priests in the Catholic Church had a common thread... homosexuals in positions of authority having access to children. Listen to "Not Just Another Thanksgiving Show".
Today's Resource: Meet the Apostle Peter in this important Bible study. Have you considered why Peter addresses his letters to no well-known recipients? Rather, similarly to James, John, and Jude, he sends them generically to the circumcision believers scattered abroad. Why? Meanwhile, Peter mentions the Apostle Paul, who addresses his epistles to many well-known leaders and specific regional churches. Teacher Bob Enyart demonstrates that understanding the big picture of the Bible, its plot, helps to see even such small books as First Peter and Second Peter in their proper perspectives. Such biblical observations go a long way toward explaining the differences between Peter and Paul. For as Peter himself wrote of, "our beloved brother Paul" who "has written to you as also in all his epistles… in which are some things hard to understand…"
This fascinating Bible study is available in a 6-DVD set, on MP3-CD or MP3 download. You can click to order online or call us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278).