Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
Bernie Just Lost the Nomination! | Louder with Crowder
TG's comment: I am not sure what happened at the debate and the elections, I wasn't paying attention, but now that I am paying attention and looking around, everyone says Bernie is toast. He's through. From the big Lefties like The Atlantic and the NYT, to the political sites like Politico, to stuff like this video, everyone across the board says Bernie is gone. Bad news for you socialists here, but I can say, "I told you so." Nobody wants an old communist for president.
TG's comment: I am not sure what happened at the debate and the elections, I wasn't paying attention, but now that I am paying attention and looking around, everyone says Bernie is toast. He's through. From the big Lefties like The Atlantic and the NYT, to the political sites like Politico, to stuff like this video, everyone across the board says Bernie is gone. Bad news for you socialists here, but I can say, "I told you so." Nobody wants an old communist for president.