Ben Carson: Y we should care about the poor/disadvantaged


New member
excerpt from Ben Carson's INTERESTING book on America

from the book America the Beautiful by Ben Carson (p. 60)

"Some [people may think] 'I have worked hard and achieved a lot in my personal life, so why should I worry myself about the well being of people who are too lazy to take advantage of opportunities to succeed?'... [For]every one of those young people we can keep from choosing a self-destructive path, that's one less person we have to be afraid of, or protect our families from, one less person we will have to pay for in the penal system or the welfare system... one more productive, taxpaying member of society who may discover a new energy source or the cure for cancer. Every person is endowed with God-given abilities and we must cultivate every ounce of talent we have in order to maintain our pinnacle position in the world."




New member
I notice that he throws out this idea that the poor are lazy. He seems to have this idea that the wealthy are the people who work hard and the poor are lazy. That's not reality and often born of a desire to not have to recognize the shortcomings of the system we have.


New member
I notice that he throws out this idea that the poor are lazy. He seems to have this idea that the wealthy are the people who work hard and the poor are lazy. That's not reality and often born of a desire to not have to recognize the shortcomings of the system we have.


He was quoting what OTHERS think about the poor, not he himself

reading comprehension deficiency
