BEL Press Release on Roberts

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BEL Press Release on Roberts

Thursday July 28th, 2005. This is show # 149.

When both the liberals and the conservatives, when the atheists and the Christians think about the Supreme Court and a new judge, what is the number 1 issue that is considered? The number 1 issue is abortion. And so, for those who think that Operation Save America is a fringe irrelevant group, well Operation Save America and the Christians who are out in the streets at the abortion clinics and those other Christians who use a significant part of their resources to fight abortion - they are fighting the issue that those who hate God recognize as paramount.

And it's the Christians who are a bit more dull and are not quite as insightfull as those who hate God, those Christians are a bit slower to recognize where the battle is really going to be won or lost. And it's on the altar of abortion where millions of women are sacrificing their children on the altar of their own convenience.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Enyart Urges Leaders to Drop Support for Roberts

Enyart Urges Leaders to Drop Support for Roberts

For Immediate Release:

Christian Talk Show Host Calls on Pro-Life Leaders
to Drop Support for Roberts’ Nomination

Will the real John G. Roberts please stand up. Does Supreme Court nominee Roberts believe that abortion is the unjust taking of innocent life, and that the government must protect unborn children? Christian talk show host Bob Enyart says, "The answer to these questions is demonstrably: no." In the past, Roberts has argued against Roe v. Wade and defended pro-life activists. However, in his 2003 D.C. Circuit confirmation hearing, Roberts said: “Roe v. Wade is the settled law of the land. ... There's nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from fully and faithfully applying that precedent.”

Pro-life leaders support Roberts because we have all compromised on Do Not Murder so often and for so long, we no longer can discern right from wrong. The pro-life community teaches that America’s fifty million aborted children compare dreadfully to the German holocaust against the Jews. And if we pro-lifers are correct that abortion is murder, then in his confirmation, Roberts’ declaration was the equivalent of a German judge who would have said, “There is nothing in my personal views that would prevent me from carrying out the extermination of Jews.” And such a horror has now become the hope of Christian pro-life leaders. Speaking on America's most powerful Christian radio station, Denver's 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT, Enyart said, "America has fallen so far that our national pro-family organizations will fight to confirm a man who so recently pledged to commit genocide to comply with his lower-court job requirements."

For fifteen years on the air, Bob Enyart Live has warned against legal positivism, the elevation of man’s law and precedence above God’s law. Legal positivism is what legalized abortion in the first place. And the pro-life support of Roberts convinces him that he rightly ignores the decree that “We must obey God rather than men,” and so he supported the killing of unborn children simply to follow precedent. If Roberts does not know that abortion is murder, and that the government, including every judges, has a duty to protect unborn children, he disqualifies himself. Roberts is a legal positivist who declared his commitment to “faithfully” support the killing of children if our system requires him to do so. What Roberts has verbally committed to, other "pro-life" legal-positivist justices, such as William Pryor and Priscilla Owen, have actually done, they have voted to kill the innocent (see, Letter to Dr. Dobson). Owen voted to kill Baby Ten, child of Jane Doe #10, on a technicality because a lower judge missed a filing deadline in the case, and favorite son of the pro-life community Pryor voted to kill Terry Schiavo, as did all six of the Reagan-Bush-Bush nominees to the 11th Circuit! Now after a quarter-century of our pro-life presidents nominating pro-choice judges, the cycle continues, and in the coming years as Roberts joins in the erosion of family values, our Christian leaders will forget their part in his confirmation, and urgently lobby to confirm yet another legal positivist.

George W. Bush has repeatedly pledged that he would not consider the question of abortion when nominating judges, and has stated during his presidential debates that he has no goal to outlaw abortion. In this nomination, President Bush has upheld these campaign promises. And the courts remain solidly pro-abortion even though Republican presidents have nominated sixty percent of the federal judiciary and seven of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices. Our pro-life leaders should remember that after World War II, American judges at Nuremberg convicted German lawyers and judges, sentencing to death and prison those who claimed that they were only following the law. For these reasons, Pastor Bob Enyart of Denver Bible Church is calling on pro-life leaders to reverse themselves and oppose the nomination of legal positivist John Roberts.

For more information:
See KGOV's Letter to Dr. Dobson for references.
Listen to Bob Enyart Live on or even
call in at 5 p.m. Eastern Time at 1-800-8Enyart.


Resident Atheist
As an observation, I think it's interesting that what a "Christian Talk Show Host" thinks seems to carry more weight than what a "Pastor" thinks. :think:
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