BEL Mailbag: Two Agree; Two Don't

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BEL Mailbag: Two Agree; Two Don't

This is the show from Thursday May 25th, 2007.


* Bob Reads Four Emails: and guess what element is missing from the Christians who criticize our Open Letter to Dr. Dobson? If you disagree with our confronting Dr. Dobson, please give your reasons on our forum. One pro-lifer who strongly disagrees, who has been thoroughly misinformed about the ban and the ruling by the pro-life industry, writes, "how can you claim that we would be better off allowing women to kill viable children merely because they are still in the womb... You claim that NO lives will be saved by this ruling? Well what about every woman who planned on having the baby until the end, when they changed their mind and had to resort to a partial-birth abortion?" This Denver man wrote a lengthy, otherwise well-composed letter, but when it comes to trying to explain why he disagrees with our warning to Dr. Dobson, he has absolutely no idea what is right or wrong with this ruling. We strongly recommend that this man, along with any who disagree with us, read the ruling or at least our Open Letter which has many quotes from the ruling.

* Medium, Large, and Small: Post-show note: Here's an example of three websites promoting our Open Letter: A Christian site against evolution that doesn't typically deal with abortion issues, (hosted by Real Science Friday's Fred Williams), has linked to and are agreeing with our open letter to Dr. Dobson. Look around EFT, check out the homepage, etc., and you will love it! Another Christian site that doesn't typically discuss programs on Bob Enyart Live,, has linked to the letter and they have sober comments about the state of the pro-life industry. A young Timothy in Norfolk Virginia, TruthSeeker24, has posted the letter on his site. Perhaps someone in the audience can talk (post) with Timothy.

* Can You Help?: You could greatly help us get the word out by sending an email to Matt Drudge telling him about this important news story (the subject line will automatically tell the story).

Today's Resource: Get the Colorado Right To Life DVD, Forty Years in the Wilderness! This is the most powerful DVD that Bob Enyart Live has been involved with, and it includes Bob's entire Focus on the Strategy II, the sequel to his popular analysis of Christian political strategy. You will LOVE this DVD, or your money back!
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