Dating is practicing meeting someone only to break up with them; it's learning to trade partners.
G-d showed us the pattern from the beginning.
G-d creates Adam, breathes life into him; and places Him in the garden, On Shabbat in the torah; He gives Him a job to do, name the animals. (interesting enough this is what little children do when fist learning how to speak; they want the names/nouns of things; they latter work into adjutives (descriptions of nouns); then verbs and adverbs.
It is here that Adam while Adam is doing the mission G-d gave Him that having an Eve becomes necessary. G-d does His thing and brings Adam a wife. You are to be busing developing yourselves; and finding out what your mission is; then perhaps He'll bring you a wife. You do not go looking. She is somewhere out there being developed especially for you to help you in the mission. He will bring you someone. Even the patriarch wives were brought to them; they met their wifes by the wells; where the water was gathered.
They together had a mission to have children. For their enjoyment? So they could say they had achieved the American dream? 1 7/8 child per family? No - to raise them up in the Admonition of the LORD; to infuse Holy people into the world; to continue; and of course children are enjoyable; also notice sex is not the purpose of marriage. The mission is.
Young men; prepare yourselves well to be as He designed you and for His purpose; this will fulfill you with or without a wife. Young ladies; do introduce him to your father, uncle, brothers family; let them guide you they know you best AND the know the nature of a young man even more. Don't go anywhere with them alone; escorts are best; and not your loose girl friends. It's best to interact with family or your community of faith. Pay attention to how he speaks of his parents and others in authority over him. These days he should apply like a job application. Where he's lived (stability?); where he's worked (stability and ability); a police report, and last but not least a credit report. By the way guys you can ask her the same.
If you getting serious; look at each other's families very closely; you just think when you marry you make your own life; not so the families are wedded togther. If any mother/father is dominerring; your spouse to be might also be or the reverse cowardly - don't do it. Marry into a relatively healthy familiy. If they have a good history of long marriages, death to us part, that's a good blessing on you. Marrying divoced people. Do they speak of the ex? If yes and very favorable; watch out!!! if unfavorable - run!! if merely respectfully; this can be good. Read the divorce decree and any custody papers. Are they living up to their part? grumbling or smoothly? If no - run. If yes, maybe ok. Is the ex living up to their part? If no - run. And guess what; you marry the ex and their family as well if there are children. The divorce rate for blendeds is very very high; it takes experts in human dynamics; execellant planing and organizing.
Remember Abraham and Sarah? Hagar and Ismael? That's the closest we get to a bibical blended family. How did that work out by the way? Wars and rumors of wars; I think.
And by the way you often here people say of the marriage certificate "it's just a piece of paper" We'll they r rite! The original wedding covenants were written down. Mutual benefit and mutual obligation. He must provide at least 3 things,adequate dwelling place (not mansion); food (healthy); and clothing; other things could be added in as agreed; if she was to stay home and raise children; it was stated up front (no suprises ladies); marital rights were to the women (stay on her cycle; don't make up your own men is unnatural);
if she would be allowed to work what when how, how are her earnings to be spent; of course prenuptuals where stated here; how they would divide wealth already accumulated before marriage; what ever you want to agree to; and you can renew it every so often and agree to amend. Since these agreements were in writting only then did you have a legal basis for ending marriage; no such things as "he doesn't love me, I don't love her, we're incompatable. Male and female are incompatalbe;what you haven't noiced yet? Of course the males held each other to account; if there was violation you brought before elders for mediation. The Jews have it right folks; not only a bride price (to demonstrate to pappa that the young man could care for his daughter) ; but sometimes there was even a divorce deposit. Yup; pay up front $10,000. Anytime a man thought of divorce he could see it in financial terms right away. I suppose after 50 years the jubilee year; the deposit could be returned for special honey moon. No?
At any rate take your time! There is much maturing to do as individuals before you can safely enter in to marriage. Two problem children in marriage reek havoc.
Blended families. This is misnomer. It's not blended/smooth at all.