Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The Australian diplomat whose tip in 2016 prompted the Russia-Trump investigation previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable efforts, documents show.

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Downer and former President Clinton jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding in February 2006 that spread out the grant money over four years for a project to provide screening and drug treatment to AIDS patients in Asia.

The money was initially allocated to the Clinton Foundation but later was routed through an affiliate of the charity known as the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), officials said. Australia was one of four foreign governments to donate more than $25 million to CHAI, records show.

The Australian diplomat whose tip in 2016 prompted the Russia-Trump investigation previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable efforts, documents show.

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Downer and former President Clinton jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding in February 2006 that spread out the grant money over four years for a project to provide screening and drug treatment to AIDS patients in Asia.

The money was initially allocated to the Clinton Foundation but later was routed through an affiliate of the charity known as the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), officials said. Australia was one of four foreign governments to donate more than $25 million to CHAI, records show.

In the years that followed, the project won praise for helping thousands of HIV-infected patients in Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, China and Indonesia, but also garnered criticism from auditors about “management weaknesses” and inadequate budget oversight, the memos show.

For more about this last point in "bold" read the following:

Aussies clipped by Clintons? Allegations of fraud by Clinton Foundation for HIV/AIDS services in New Guinea reportedly sparks FBI interest

It all stinks to high heaven but of course there will be people on this forum who will actually defend these dastardly deeds of the Clintons and their minions!

The Barbarian

So, the Australian diplomat who reported the criminal had, 11 years ago, dealings with the Clinton foundation. And that means, we should let the perp go?

Or is this just another attempt to deflect attention from the criminal to the people who turned him in?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Or is this just another attempt to deflect attention from the criminal to the people who turned him in?

How can the politically correct try to justify what was going on. The Clinton Foundation received 25 million to help those with AIDS. The foundation spent about half of that for those with AIDS and then kept the other half.

There are thousand and thousands of people with AIDS and in dire need of financial help and Bill and Hillary have much of the money which was to go to them.

Why aren't the politically correct up in arms?

What happened to all of their compassion?

Hypocrites every one of them!



How can the politically correct try to justify what was going on. The Clinton Foundation received 25 million to help those with AIDS. The foundation spent about half of that for those with AIDS and then kept the other half.

There are thousand and thousands of people with AIDS and in dire need of financial help and Bill and Hillary have much of the money which was to go to them.

Why aren't the politically correct up in arms?

What happened to all of their compassion?

Hypocrites every one of them!

"Jerry Shugart" is content to look the other way when Trump's personal lawyer sends "Stormy Daniels" $130000 weeks before the 2016 Election - a transfer so suspicious that the bank "red flagged" it and informed the oversight authorities!

But "Jerry Shugart" is outraged when Trump advisor George Papadopolas tells an Australian diplomat, who signed off on a government grant to the Clinton Foundation a decade ago, that the Russians have "dirt" on Hillary Clinton!

Is "Jerry Shugart" now accusing the Clintons of sending "undercover" Australian diplomatic operatives around the world on the chance that they might encounter inebriated members of the Trump Campaign in wine bars blurting out compromising information?
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The Barbarian

How can the politically correct try to justify what was going on. The Clinton Foundation received 25 million to help those with AIDS. The foundation spent about half of that for those with AIDS and then kept the other half.

You've been suckered by another fake news site:

From Charity Navigator, an independent organization that rates charitable organizations:

(out of 100) Rating
Overall Score & Rating 93.91
Financial 95.00
Accountability & Transparency 93.00

Next time, think for yourself, and you won't be so easy to fool.

There are thousand and thousands of people with AIDS and in dire need of financial help and Bill and Hillary have much of the money which was to go to them.

Financial Performance Metrics
Program Expenses
(Percent of the charity's total expenses spent on the programs
and services it delivers) 86.9%
Administrative Expenses 9.5%
Fundraising Expenses 3.4%

(same source)

Why aren't the politically correct up in arms?

Because they aren't dumb enough to listen to some fake news site, without checking to see if it is honest or not.

What happened to all of their compassion?

As you just learned, the Clinton Foundation does a better job than most at committing a high percentage of money to charitable activities. The people who told you otherwise?

Hypocrites every one of them!

Pretty much so. Next time, think for yourself.

And now my question -
Barbarian, earlier:
Or is this just another attempt to deflect attention from the criminal to the people who turned him in?

- is answered. Just another dishonest attempt to deflect blame from the criminal to the people who caught him.

Nice try, though. I doubt if you realized you were peddling lies for someone else. I'm guessing you had no idea they were using you. Again, if you learn to think for yourself, and check your sources, you'll be harder to use the way they used you this time.
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The Barbarian

"Jerry Shugart" is content to look the other way when Trump's personal lawyer sends "Stormy Daniels" $130000 weeks before the 2016 Election - a transfer so suspicious that the bank "red flagged" it and informed the oversight authorities!

But "Jerry Shugart" is outraged when Trump advisor George Papadopolas tells an Australian diplomat, who signed off on a government grant to the Clinton Foundation a decade ago, that the Russians have "dirt" on Hillary Clinton!

Is "Jerry Shugart" now accusing the Clintons of sending "undercover" Australian diplomatic operatives around the world on the chance that they might encounter inebriated members of the Trump Campaign in wine bars blurting out compromising information?

I've heard crazier conspiracy theories from those guys. But this has to be in the top 10.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I'm outraged that Bill and Hillary stole money that was for those with AIDS!

You couldn't care less about that because nothing matters more to you than defending the sleezeballs!

The Barbarian

I'm outraged that Bill and Hillary stole money that was for those with AIDS!

As you just learned, that bit of fake news went down in flames. There are agencies that monitor charitable foundations, and as you see, the Clinton Foundation is better than most in terms of getting the money to people who actually need it. Instead of swallowing everything those sleazeballs tell you, it would be less embarrassing for you to start thinking for yourself.

You couldn't care less about that

Aside from your obsession with the Clintons, I suspect you're probably a pretty decent guy. Why play a sucker for the guys who feed you all this fake news?

because nothing matters more to you than defending the sleezeballs!

You're the one doing their bidding. Next time, think.

No one really cares what that Australian diplomat's motives were in turning in the criminal. The important thing is we caught him.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Instead of swallowing everything those sleazeballs tell you, it would be less embarrassing for you to start thinking for yourself.

"In a pre-emptive measure against potential conflicts of interest, the foundation signed a memorandum of understanding with President Barack Obama’s administration in December 2008. The foundation promised to report its donors in order to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest. Hillary Clinton also signed a separate ethics agreement with the State Department, pledging to keep her distance from foundation matters as secretary of state.

Emails from Clinton’s State Department, detailed in media reports, show how fuzzy the line was between the department and the foundation. Clinton took many meetings with foundation donors and offered assistance to several. And at times, foundation staff reached out to Clinton’s staff to inquire about opportunities for donors.

The ethics pledges may not have specifically prohibited emails like these, but they did break the firewall between official government business and Clinton’s personal connections that Clinton agreed to preserve. So when Clinton surrogate and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm said Clinton "abided by the ethics agreement" between the foundation and the Obama administration, PolitiFact rated that claim Mostly False.

I wonder why those who benefited from the Uranium One deal contributed millions to the Clinton Foundation?

I wonder why the contributions to the Clinton Foundation have suddenly dried up now that the Clintons are washed up?

I wonder how anyone in their right mind could possibly believe that the foundation is on the up and up?

I hope they are treating you OK in your padded cell.

The Barbarian

You were snockered again, Jerry:

The news left some readers with the mistaken impression the entire Clinton Foundation was shuttering its doors. However, as former President Bill Clinton announced in a 22 August 2016 letter, only the Clinton Global Initiative wing, and not the entire foundation, would be downsizing operations:

Planned before the election; your fake news sites just lied to you about that. It's not as though you weren't warned earlier about this; those guys play you like a fiddle.

I wonder how anyone in their right mind could possibly believe that the foundation is on the up and up?

As you learned, there are groups that check charitable organizations for things like fundraising, amount of money actually spent on charitable activities,and so on. As you also learned, the Clinton Foundation got a much better than average score on those things.

You were lied to about that, also; your fake news sites just played you. Learn to check what you're told, and you won't be embarrassed so easily. You're not crazy; you're too willing to believe people when they tell you things you really want to be true. That's exactly when you should be most cautious.