Atheist Bill Maher: 'I Never Hear Anybody Go 'Merry Christmas' Before a Bomb Goes Off


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Atheist Bill Maher: 'I Never Hear Anybody Go 'Merry Christmas' Before a Bomb Goes Off

Liberal television personality Bill Maher is again expressing his disgust with the political correctness of fellow liberals regarding Islamic terrorism, noting that he never hears someone scream "Merry Christmas!" before a bomb explodes.

In a Friday panel discussion on his show Real Time with Bill Maher, the 60-year-old atheist comedian took issue with the charge that Christianity and Islam are essentially the same when it comes to religion-spawned terrorism.

In the wake of the attack outside of the Parliament building in London where a British-born Muslim man named Khalid Massood rammed his car into a crowd of pedestrians killing four, including one American, Maher said people ought not "pretend this has nothing to do with Islam, the religion."

Louise Mensch, a former Conservative member of the British Parliament and a columnist for Heat Street, disagreed.

"It has nothing to do with Islam the same way Timothy McVeigh had nothing to do with Roman Catholicism," Mensch said.

Maher, agitated, persisted: "Every time some bomb goes off, before it goes off, somebody yells 'Allahu Akbar!'"

"I never hear anybody go 'Merry Christmas! This one's for the flying nun!'"

But fellow panelists Chris Hayes of MSNBC and Timothy Snyder of Yale University backed Mensch's contention that this has nothing to do with Islam per se.

"When Christians do anything like this, do we ever say, 'Christian terrorism'?" Snyder asked.

Hayes noted that the IRA that "blew up London for 15 years," spurning Maher's argument that he was making a "false equivalency" between McVeigh and the London attacker.

Maher fired back: "Are there Christian terrorist armies now ... like ISIS, al Qaeda, al-Shaabab, Boko Haram? Are there armies like that in the world that aren't Muslim? ... Can we get real?"

Maher has frequently hosted Muslim and ex-Muslim reformers on his show such as Irshad Manji of the Moral Courage Project and former Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Nomani, both of whom are liberal Muslims. In May of 2015 he interviewed his "hero" Somali-born turned Dutch parliamentarian and now American citizen Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an atheist who was once a Muslim. She does not hesitate to say that Islam is not a religion of peace and whose book Heretic argues how the Islamic faith should be reformed.

During overtime on his show, Maher posited the following question to the panel: "If a European country sometime in the future became 51% Muslim, would it be the same country, would it have the same values, the same laws, would the laws change?"

"Would you ask that question about Jews ... about Catholics?" Mensch replied, arguing again that Islam itself not the problem.

Mensch brought up the Westboro Baptist Church, based in Kansas, infamous for their hateful protests of military funerals and homophobic signs.

"Again, this false equivalency," Maher said, exasperated, doing a face palm.

In 2008, Maher made a documentary film titled, Religulous, which challenges religion and religious belief of all kinds.

A false equivalency is all any liberal can do, to compare Christianity to Islam.

I have a feeling if the rapture happens during his lifetime, bill maher might actually get saved.


New member
If that happened I don't think he would view it as being 'saved'!

People are making strange bedfellows these days when it comes to the traditional set of 'liberal' attitudes and values. I think the expression is 'people on the left', compared to those who have a traditional left-leaning liberal attitude but are dismayed at a kind of cultural relativism that makes religiously inspired brutality into culture that is off-limits for criticism.

Equally another problem is that of censorship on university campuses. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of those who has been banned from speaking on campus for fear of offending muslims, for example. But courting controversy, championing free speech and exchanging ideas is exactly what universities should be about.

Maher is right. Christian violence in the name of christianity does happen, but if you hear the start of the news item that begins to describe a terrorist atrocity, you can already name the religion of the suspect with almost certain odds.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Mensch brought up the Westboro Baptist Church, based in Kansas, infamous for their hateful protests of military funerals and homophobic signs."

how many people did fred phleps kill?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If that happened I don't think he would view it as being 'saved'!

People are making strange bedfellows these days when it comes to the traditional set of 'liberal' attitudes and values. I think the expression is 'people on the left', compared to those who have a traditional left-leaning liberal attitude but are dismayed at a kind of cultural relativism that makes religiously inspired brutality into culture that is off-limits for criticism.

Equally another problem is that of censorship on university campuses. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of those who has been banned from speaking on campus for fear of offending muslims, for example. But courting controversy, championing free speech and exchanging ideas is exactly what universities should be about.

Maher is right. Christian violence in the name of christianity does happen, but if you hear the start of the news item that begins to describe a terrorist atrocity, you can already name the religion of the suspect with almost certain odds.



good post, stuu! :thumb:


Well-known member
.......Maher is right. Christian violence in the name of christianity does happen, .....

Wow!..... What a sheltered life you must have lead, to believe that Christian violence does not happen!:)
Ok, so it was.......ummm..... 43 years ago when I heard the explosion of the Guildford Pub Bombing. I lived not far away in Austin Road, Guildford. I was walking down the road from home and heard/felt that blast. It was claimed by the Provisional Irish Republic Army, a (mainly) Catholic force.

But the Protestants were fighting hard as well. Several military organisations controlled various areas of Belfast, and their wall murals showed just how prepared they were to die fighting for their cause. I photographed many murals in Belfast (for both sides) and still have those pictures.

Out of interest (maybe) the Catholics were brilliant artists compared with the Protestants!

Oh yes...... Christians use bombs alright, and many were paid for by US citizens who gave generously, but the crazy thing is that many US citizens thought they were giving to 'The Irish' and didn't actually know which side the money was going to..... both sides were Irish.

....just sayin'


New member
Out of interest (maybe) the Catholics were brilliant artists compared with the Protestants!
I was living in London in 1996 and heard (and felt) the blast 10km away when the IRA blew up the Docklands. the outcome of that didn't look exactly artistic. Different sects of christianity were the labels used by the combatants...christians attacking other christians because they weren't the right kind of christian, just as muslims attack other muslims for not being the right kind of muslim. But islamofascist violence is a very distinct breed.



Well-known member
I was living in London in 1996 and heard (and felt) the blast 10km away when the IRA blew up the Docklands. the outcome of that didn't look exactly artistic. Different sects of christianity were the labels used by the combatants...christians attacking other christians because they weren't the right kind of christian, just as muslims attack other muslims for not being the right kind of muslim. But islamofascist violence is a very distinct breed.


Stuart, I was talking about the Murals! The Catholic murals were very artistic, and the Protestant ones were primitive by comparison.

Where do they dig these words up from? Islamofascist! :D

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Tim McVeigh was not a Christian, and is in hell. He and Nichols were aligned with al-qaeda. Nichols learned to make their bomb in the PI from jihadists.


New member
Hall of Fame
Tim McVeigh was not a Christian, and is in hell. He and Nichols were aligned with al-qaeda. Nichols learned to make their bomb in the PI from jihadists.

Amd mcveighs motive was what the government did in waco, etc.. he didn't do it in the name of God.


New member
Tim McVeigh was not a Christian, and is in hell. He and Nichols were aligned with al-qaeda. Nichols learned to make their bomb in the PI from jihadists.
According to the Holy Wikipedia, McVeigh requested a Catholic chaplain on death row. Elsewhere he claimed to believe in a god, which has to be presumed to be the christian god. Ramzi Yousef tried unsuccessfully to convert him to islam. The Christian Identity movement was an important influence.

McVeigh was clearly a damaged person. How much damaged by his experiences? How much was personality disorders? How much was it the paranoia characteristic of some sections of US society with their conspiracy theory that the government is out to get you, so you better keep the meanest firearm you can get? The NRA was too left-wing for him! And that damaged person severely damaged so many other people.

Did you mention McVeigh because others use him as an example of a christian terrorist? I wouldn't have claimed him as an example of that.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
According to the Holy Wikipedia, McVeigh requested a Catholic chaplain on death row.

Like I said, he is in hell and was not a Christian. And he was aligned with jihadists. You are entitled to your opinion, just not your own facts.

Even Ramzi Yousef was at the same location at the same time in the PI as Nichols. It is PI investigators that showed the connection. The Clinton reginme dismissed it because it didn't fit the narrative.
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New member
Like I said, he is in hell and was not a Christian. And he was aligned with jihadists. You are entitled to your opinion, just not your own facts.

Even Ramzi Yousef was at the same location at the same time in the PI as Nichols. It is PI investigators that showed the connection. The Clinton reginme dismissed it because it didn't fit the narrative.
What are you trying to say about Timothy McVeigh? I don't think it is clear why you mentioned him.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
What are you trying to say about Timothy McVeigh?

I already said it. He is not Christian, and aligned himself with jihadists.

I don't think it is clear why you mentioned him.

That is because you are not paying attention to the posts and are just hell bent on trying to discredit the right.

The Opening Post said:
"It has nothing to do with Islam the same way Timothy McVeigh had nothing to do with Roman Catholicism," Mensch said.


New member
I already said it. He is not Christian, and aligned himself with jihadists.

That is because you are not paying attention to the posts and are just hell bent on trying to discredit the right.
I think, based on that non-reply, you are doing enough on your own to discredit 'the right'.

Don't forget that in the new brave world of alternative facts and the NRA being too left wing and islam being Medieval barbarism, there are some things I agree with 'the right' about - the latter point specifically - amongst all that other moronic, boorish bluster.



New member
Hall of Fame
I think, based on that non-reply, you are doing enough on your own to discredit 'the right'.

Don't forget that in the new brave world of alternative facts and the NRA being too left wing and islam being Medieval barbarism, there are some things I agree with 'the right' about - the latter point specifically - amongst all that other moronic, boorish bluster.


Hello, the thing about mcveigh, came from a liberal cited in the opening post of this thread. Only a moron who knows nothing about what happened with him, would weakly attempt to use it as a "proof" that "christians are terrorists" like islamists.