Well-known member
Hi to all and many see the KJV in 1 Cor 9:27 and say that even could be unfit for the Ministry that he was called for !!

Paul in Eph 2:8 says that we are saved forever OR OSAS as SAVED / SOZO is in the Perfect Tense , which is min the Present Tense of CONTINUOUS action of always being SAVED , so why doubt it !!

Paul in 1 Cor 9:27 I BUFFET my body and SUBJECT ( it ) to stern and rigid DISCIPLINE lest in any way having Preached to Others I myself SHOULD BE DISAPPROVED !!

#1 , Paul BUFFETS , and what Paul means here is that he beats the Face under the eye black and blue !

#2 , And that is how he keeps his body under Subjection and that when I have preached in the beginning of his ministry !!

#3, And the third verb SHOULD BE , ismin the Past Tense of his ministry is controlled by the SUBJECTIVE MOOD that Paul could stop and be DISAPPROVED in his Ministry !!

The Greek word ADOKIMOS /CASTAWAY as you found out is a TRANSLITERATED word and can be translated by the following English words ; #1 not standing the test #2 , not approved #3 , castaway #4 , unfit for ministry !!

If anyone is not PROCLAIMING Eph 3:9 all are UNFIT for ministry , To make all see what is the DISPENSATION of the Mystery !!

dan p


New member
DP, for someone ever accusing the KJV, or what have you, of being off in this or that word, one would think you'd be just as adamant against your own - what, pray tell, is "MOINISTRY?"

You consistently do that - cracks me up.

Switch to Firefox, it automatically spell checks :rotfl:


Well-known member
DP, for someone ever accusing the KJV, or what have you, of being off in this or that word, one would think you'd be just as adamant against your own - what, pray tell, is "MOINISTRY?"

You consistently do that - cracks me up.

Switch to Firefox, it automatically spell checks :rotfl:

Hi and I am HILARIOUS don't you agree ?

Just in a big hurry as I had to close immediately !!

I hate mistakes , as I was a machinist and could hold tolerances of .0002 tenths of an inch on an engine lathe !!

dan p