I am only one vote among millions on election day. I am not personally culpable for my governments actions. The governments members themselves are not held culpable for their actions. Saying the government will be held accountable at the ballot box is a joke. Losing office is accompanied by fantastic compensations. Politicians simply walk away from their mistakes without any comeback for their mistakes.If they are not culpable then neither am I.
True, in terms of being one vote, at least a vote in good conscience. But there’s a difference between seeming not culpable and being not culpable. Wouldn’t you say an unrepentant sinner, consigned to eternal hell, is pretty culpable? Justice delayed is still justice. No unrepentant sinner gets by with anything, God's justice even the ultimate of all justice.
Matthew 16:26
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Matthew 12:36
But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
I have actually thought the opposite of what many people think of these obscenely rich, corrupt cretins, the opposite of envy or resentment, rather strong pity, that they may as well profit all they can and live it up, if it's the world they live for, as this is as good as it's going to get for them, forever, the price they will pay for their corruption beyond huge. They are going to pay an unthinkable price for that mansion, Bentley, getting noticed at cocktail parties and some baubles from Saks. Not being culpable? God's word is clear that's a myth these poor slobs don't get! And they don't believe they will be held accountable, won't believe, until it's too late, and they meet the God of wrath.
Don't ever think they or any of us have any license, even the believer such a thing as sin unto death and the hard discipline of God, read Hebrews 12. The concept of a believer's free lunch, to sin that grace may abound, easy believism, is also a myth. People who believe God is mocked will learn the hard way, and the worst case of all are those who seem to have died, having gotten by with it. Again, Hebrews 12, the poor bastards, as Hebrews 12:8 puts it in the KJV, who seem to skate through life in evil, didn't even rate discipline, and next stop is hell.
I know I don't desire one scintilla anything of the damned. Just some food for thought.