Are You a Moral Anchor?
Thursday February 17th, 2005. This is show #34.
Thursday February 17th, 2005. This is show #34.
Remember the Super Bowl halftime show that was so dispicable? ...I'm talking about 14 years ago during the 1991 Super Bowl. The halftime show, Michael Jackson is on stage with scores of children around him and millions watching and he grabs his genitals and he thrusts his hips toward the camera.
...You do that in front of children and that's child sexual harrassment or sexual assault. It's similar to someone exposing himself to a child. It's dispicable. And just that is criminal. That is criminal. I don't care if Bob Enyart Live is the only conservative talk show in the world who points it out and everybody is so mesmerized by our filthy culture that they think, well, it's just artistic. ...Why wasn't the Super Bowl halftime show stopped and why wasn't he arrested?
Cheryl and I went to the security guards at Cherry Creek Mall and we said "Do you know that it's against the law to sell child pornography? ...This bookstore is selling books filled with hundreds of photographs of naked children." And the security guard...said, "Well, we can't do anything because it's part of their contract. They can sell whatever."
And you know what I said to the security guard? It's one of the cruelest things I've ever said to anybody. I said, "We actually thought that we'd find a real man in the security office. But we didn't find a real man. We found a guy playing cop. A guy who's not a real man. A guy who doesn't stand up for these kids. Regardless of what your boss tells you, you should go there and say, 'This is criminal.' But we found a security guard instead of a real man.