Are Church bells pagan?


ON THurdays evenings between 7.30 and 9pm the Anglican church in my town has bellringing practice. I can just hear them nicely in my flat and enjoy the sound.
But it just struck me: Are bells some pagan remnant or just an innocent means of drawing attention to the church.
The first week in the town I went to the church open evening to look around and asked the woman pastor if she was descended from Adam and Eve or evolved from monkeys. Guess which she chose? Yes. monkeys. And she claimed Earth was billions of years old! Outsixde the door in the churchyard is a grave of a town man of importance and it is a perfect pyramid about 6feet high!

Bradley D

Well-known member
Nothing wrong with bells,

"Aaron must wear it when he ministers. The sound of the bells will be heard when he enters the Holy Place before the LORD and when he comes out, so that he will not die" (Ex. 28:35).

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
(35) And his sound shall be heard.--Rather, that its sound may he heard. The great object of the bells was to make known to the people, by a sensible manifestation, every movement of their representative, every act that he performed on their behalf. The bells enabled them to follow in their thoughts the entire service that he was engaged in, to join their prayers and praises with his, and offer to God a common worship. So important was this union of priest and people in the worship of God regarded, that death was denounced on the high priest who should minister in the sanctuary without this essential garment.


Nothing wrong with bells,

"Aaron must wear it when he ministers. The sound of the bells will be heard when he enters the Holy Place before the LORD and when he comes out, so that he will not die" (Ex. 28:35).

Babylonia and in Egypt, as well as by the Romans and Greeks, while the bell undoubtedly figured no less prominently in such independent civilizations as those of China and Hindustan.'

This website about catholic churches in UK contains the same lie about Catholics being Christian despite most of the pictures showing catholic churches full of idols of Ishtar.