ARCHIVE: Is it ever right to deny Christ?


New member
Originally posted by Knight
Intentionally?????? That's not intentionally!!!! You are being coerced!!!

Your a fool, and you are the reason that unbelievers reject Christianity. They see the illogical stupid things that Christians like you say.

Fool for Christ, you are correct!

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

Yes! I will not deny Christ even for family.
You make yourself the willing accomplice to a psychopathic murderer!!! After he is done murdering you and your kids he moves to the next house! Maybe if he is lucky the people in the next house will be as dumb as you were. Heck, he might be able to wipe out a whole block of stupid Christians before he enters the house of one who has a brain and stops him.


New member
Originally posted by Sheepdog

If someone came to you and said "I'm looking to kill Jay Bartlett and his family, are you Jay Bartlett and is this your family?", you could say no, and you wouldn't be denying yourself, you would still be who you are. But you would only be lying to him, to save your family. What is the difference between that and denying to him who you are in Christ?

This is all very moot, because a believer cannot really deny who they are in Christ anyway. Christianity is a new identity, denying it doesn't change it.

If they ask me to deny Christ verbally? Which by the way has happened in Muslim nations-I would say NO!


New member
Originally posted by Knight
You make yourself the willing accomplice to a psychopathic murderer!!! After he is done murdering you and your kids he moves to the next house! Maybe if he is lucky the people in the next house will be as dumb as you were. Heck, he might be able to wipe out a whole block of stupid Christians before he enters the house of one who has a brain and stops him.

Knight, this is happening in Nigeria as we speak. It's not because these believers are stupid, but rather they believe it is a honor to die for Jesus!


New member

is the sacrificing of another person for your own belief that is what is being rejected.

Hey, if you believe that adultery should be punishable by death, then you are willing to sacrifice lots of people for your own belief.


New member
Originally posted by Flipper

Hey, if you believe that adultery should be punishable by death, then you are willing to sacrifice lots of people for your own belief.

Very good point Flipper.

He gotcha you Yx.



Originally posted by Freak

God was pleased that the blood of believers was shed as a witness to His awesome glory. As Proverbs tells us: He giveth and He taketh away, blessed be the Name of the Lord.
First off do a search and you will see that no where in Proverbs does it say that and stop misquoting Scripture. You aren't talkin to Aunt Jamaima who doesn't have a Bible. :down:
Secondly, God is so pleased with martyred blood that He is going to avenge and pour out His wrath because of it :down:

Rev 6:10 KJV And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Originally posted by Freak
BTW, you don't have to agree with Knight everytime (we all can see you attempt to do this), he's not your daddy.
But Knight, PaulD, Jefferson and I are all the same person just ask Hey Zeus. It is common knowledge on TOL that we all agree. :down:

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak

Knight, this is happening in Nigeria as we speak. It's not because these believers are stupid, but rather they believe it is a honor to die for Jesus!
No it isn't happening in Nigeria. What we are talking about is completely different than what is happening in Nigeria.

We are talking about a specific hypothetical situation here in the USA under current conditions. When a psychopathic individual enters your house by force to murder your family.

Nothing like what is happening in Nigeria.


New member
Originally posted by Knight
No it isn't happening in Nigeria. What we are talking about is completely different than what is happening in Nigeria.

We are talking about a specific hypothetical situation here in the USA under current conditions. When a psychopathic individual enters your house by force to murder your family.

Nothing like what is happening in Nigeria.

That's right you have family members in Nigeria, as I do, to tell you, right?


New member

Will you lay down your children's life for now the 5th time?

Isn't that technically what Nori and a couple of others (including Goose I think) said that they would be regretfully willing to do if OT law was restored by a theonomist govt, and that the child then dishonored his or her parents?

I think that it was.

Really, this thread and others has been a fine demonstration of the situational ethics and relative morality, for all you moral absolutists out there.

Perhaps the confusion lies in the fact that the answers really aren't that clear, not even in scripture.


Originally posted by Flipper
Hey, if you believe that adultery should be punishable by death, then you are willing to sacrifice lots of people for your own belief.
They are guilty of.......adultery tried and convicted and punished by death. They are not a sacrifice for they have partaken in a criminal act punishable by death.


Originally posted by Flipper

Isn't that technically what Nori and a couple of others (including Goose I think) said that they would be regretfully willing to do if OT law was restored by a theonomist govt, and that the child then dishonored his or her parents?

I think that it was.

Really, this thread and others has been a fine demonstration of the situational ethics and relative morality, for all you moral absolutists out there.

Perhaps the confusion lies in the fact that the answers really aren't that clear, not even in scripture.

Again you are equating an unconvicted innocent person with a tried and convicted criminal. You are purposely trying to muddy the waters in a clear stream.

Nathon Detroit

Flipper your example couldn't have been more foolish. Your so far out of the area of the debate that your wasting valuable space that could be used to demolish Freak and his distorted view.


New member
And God was pleased that you have partaken in the murder of your very own children

And what if you refused to answer the question or chose to take no action, and the gunman murdered your children. Do you then share responsibility? Have you partaken in their murder?


If your son brutually raped and murdered a 12 year old girl would you be sacrificing him by turning him into the authorities?


New member
Again you are equating an unconvicted innocent person with a tried and convicted criminal.

Oh really? I thought that you established on that threat that no one was innocent. Not one. Well, not unless they were older than some arbitrary age... Five, was it? Maybe eight?


New member
Originally posted by Knight
Flipper your example couldn't have been more foolish. Your so far out of the area of the debate that your wasting valuable space that could be used to demolish Freak and his distorted view.

Knight, I'm sort of disheartened by your recent personal attacks upon me. None were leveled at you.


So, how do you know what's going on in Nigeria? From your daily newspaper or do you have loved ones as I do in that part of the world?