Anti bin laden songs are racist crimes in Britain


New member

Those in power in Britain and the EU are determined to erase all vestiges of western culture and replaced with one absolutely subservient to the state. To do that, they need a culture willing to violently remove the current culture aka islam. Those who value peace over liberty will beg the state to protect them from the violent Islamic hordes. The state will gladly step in and put everyone firmly under their boot.


New member
Hall of Fame

Those in power in Britain and the EU are determined to erase all vestiges of western culture and replaced with one absolutely subservient to the state. To do that, they need a culture willing to violently remove the current culture aka islam. Those who value peace over liberty will beg the state to protect them from the violent Islamic hordes. The state will gladly step in and put everyone firmly under their boot.

Its ok to mock all religions, except islam. Bow to your new masters, europe and coming soon to america, thanks to liberals.