Originally Posted by Cross Reference View Post
What do you believe you received when you first believed? Just askin'.
When LA first believed, it was after I had bought a new translation of the NT and to my surprise I could understand it, not because the writing was clearer.
I began to know that Jesus was real, so much so that I began to tell everyone that he was real.
Some laughed it off and others just thought about it.
When my sister and brother in law got wind of it, they came and asked me what I was looking for, which was a strange thing to say, and they went their way , but a few weeks or months later they invited me to hear an evangelist speaking in a full gospel church.
The Lord spoke to inside of me and when they gave an alter call I responded after the Lord appeared to me.
Now I can not say that I was born from above at that time or when I first believed, because when the Holy Spirit did enter me, healing of my lungs occurred and I was filled with such joy that the one who had laid hands on me and prayed over me (not knowing what he should do because he thought I was being difficult) were wondering of it as my tears had turned to such joy.
There you have it, but I could go further.
I do not accept that one is born again when first believing or that one is baptized into the body of Christ when first believing or even when spoken to by the Lord.
Why men fight so hard to maintain a position which precludes them from going on to something further, can only be because of the sense of fear of their flesh and spirit losing dominance over their life.
Men do not die very easily if they are not overcome by love to give it.