Another brick in the wall of the one-world church of Antichrist


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“Together, we have worked in pursuit of the fall of communism, led a vast resurgence of pro-life sentiment in the United States, and we have fought for religious liberty here and abroad. Our humanitarian collaboration has also saved millions of lives among the poor and persecuted,” Moore wrote.

He therefore wrote to Bergoglio, who Moore referred to as “Your Holiness,” to request a meeting between Catholic and Evangelical leaders to discuss concerns about those who cause division, and to dialogue about how the two groups can work together. Moore said that “God put it on [his] heart” to write to the Roman Catholic leader.

“I speak for many Evangelicals when I say that we have looked upon your appointment with great gratitude to God and with great optimism for the new spirit that you have brought to the Catholic Church,” the letter read, which also noted that Moore feels “all the respect in the world” toward the pontiff. “Your commitment to the poor and to pastoral ministry and your efforts to build bridges and to spread the doctrine of mercy around the world have been a light and hope to us all.”

It's all coming together.


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Many Catholics are more spiritual than evangelical Protestants. One does need a perfect understanding of the gospel to be saved. The gospel in it's purest form is looking completely and totally outside of ourselves and putting all of our faith and trust in Christ which is so simple even a child can understand. Modern evangelicals have put all of their faith and trust in Israel.