Ann Coulter Scoffs at Trump’s Wall Compromise

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
coulter's wrong on this one - get daca done, get past it and secure the border

stop pretending there's any practical way to re-write the past and move on


I guess this is where the Right begins to do it's self-destructive thing and attack each other with absolutes- nothing being good enough because it's not 100% the way one or the other thinks is right. It's something I've noticed with a lot of conservatives and is also why they fail so often to agree in Congress.

The Horn

Who cares what this disgustingly bigoted, arrogant, loud-mouthed , whining, hypocritical woman says about anything ? I call her "Anthrax Dolter ". She's a joke. A has been . Totally irrelevant , just like that pompous old windbag Rush Lamebrain .
Her books are only good for toilet paper .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Who cares what this disgustingly bigoted, arrogant, loud-mouthed , whining, hypocritical woman says about anything ?

2.13 million followers on twitter :idunno:

I call her "Anthrax Dolter ".

that's very clever

She's a joke.

and yet you seem angry instead of amused

tell us how that feels

do you wake up in the morning angry at ann Coulter?

Totally irrelevant ,

and yet, here you are, ranting and raving about her

it certainly appears that she has some relevancy for you

just like that pompous old windbag Rush Lamebrain

that is also very clever :thumb:

Her books are only good for toilet paper .


what kind of toilet paper do they sell where you live?


Ann Coulter Scoffs at Trump’s Wall Compromise

Trump could have had $25 billion for "THE WALL" a year ago, but he was unwilling to negotiate a pathway to citizenship for DACA!

He gave in to Coulter's demands when the Republican were in control of both Houses of Congress - now a year later he's lost the House and dropping to record lows in the polls!

The only question is how long will those Congressional Republicans up for re-election in 2020 be willing to indulge these escapades before deciding its "every man for himself!"