Ann Coulter and Bed Buggery

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Ann Coulter and Bed Buggery

This is the show from Monday August 23rd, 2010.

[Ann Coulter] has a book called Godless but she doesn't apply it to her so-called "conservative" Republican friends. That means she's using God as a political prop.


* Welcome WorldNetDaily to the Ranks Rebuking Ann Coulter: For years Bob Enyart has agreed with American RTL and other Christian leaders in showing that Ann Coulter has helped promote extremist pro-homosexual and pro-abortion influence within the Republican Party. Publisher Joseph Farah is showing tough love to Coulter. After all, what other kind has any chance of reaching her?

* See American RTL Warnings About Ann Coulter:
- YouTube video
: See the stunning Ann Coulter Hang-Ups, where Ann refuses to answer four conservative talk shows hosts. She can manhandle liberal hosts, but Ann cuts and runs when the challenges come from the right.
- ARTL's lays out the case that she's been supporting liberalism within the Republican party, including aggressively pro-abortion and homosexual-marriage leadership.
- Press Release: And see American RTL Rebukes Ann Coulter.
- And Coming Soon to a Browser Near You:

* Media Report: Are Terrorists Dropping Bed Bugs in NYC?

* Mike from Colorado Springs: brings up the topic of whether or not a war is constitutional. Mike said he's a Christian, and Bob asked a question that Mike refused to answer (although he's still invited to answer this on air). Wars can be judged by God's standard, and by man's standard. Which judgment ultimately prevails as to whether a war is just or unjust, God's or man's judgment? Bob asked this question in order to remove some of the complexity from the question of whether or not a war is just or unjust. Thousands of nations that have fought thousands of wars throughout history. On Judgment Day will these actions be judged primarily on human or divine standards? Bob would like Mike to agree that the question of whether or not a war is just is answered foremost by evaluating it based on God's standards of right and wrong. Then, constitutional questions can be looked at, but they become secondary to a biblical evaluation. After all, as Mike would agree, right and wrong did not pop into existence on the day when the constitution was ratified.

Today’s Resource: JUST RELEASED: You can get Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists in which Bob Enyart reveals the presentation he gave at Focus on the Family to Tom Minnery, VP of Public Policy for Dr. James Dobson. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. Now, Focus 3 presents the three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important DVDs and consider getting a set for a friend!


New member
Romney is a blatant liar and Ann Coulter is a fraud, as are many of the Republicrats she so vocally supports. Many Republican politicians are like wolves in sheep's clothing, and yet most Christian sheeple think they are doing God's will by voting for them. Just because they claim to speak for God's people doesn't mean they don't actually live for the devil.


Romney is a blatant liar and Ann Coulter is a fraud, as are many of the Republicrats she so vocally supports. Many Republican politicians are like wolves in sheep's clothing, and yet most Christian sheeple think they are doing God's will by voting for them. Just because they claim to speak for God's people doesn't mean they don't actually live for the devil.

I've been following the Coulter/Farah controversy on another blog.

Farah dropped her from WorldNetDaily's "Take Back America" Conference after Coulter agreed to speak at "HomoCon", a conference of "homosexual conservatives" (that's like using the term "atheist Christian").

Here's what GOProud, the homosexual organization sponsoring HomoCon has to say about Coulter:

"Gay Conservatives to Party With Ann Coulter at 'Homocon 2010'
The gay conservative group GOProud — whose platform is essentially "cut taxes, while being gay" — is hosting a party called "Homocon 2010" with Ann Coulter, "The Right Wing Judy Garland." Fun! But isn't Ann Coulter mean to gay people?

Slate's Dave Weigel asked GOProud executive director Jimmy LaSalvia about an incident in Ann Coulter's past involving a certain gay epithet, and whether GOProud cares:

Coulter's never been as concerned with social issues as the median conservative pundit. She does, however, like to use gay stereotypes when she mocks liberals — she was slapped on the wrist for calling John Edwards a "faggot" at the 2007 Conservative Political Action Conference. No big deal, says LaSalvia.

"We are not concerned about what the PC crowd has to say," he says. "This is about having fun. I don't agree with everything she has said in her lifetime, just like she doesn't agree with everything I've ever said....but we can still party together, right?"

He raises an interesting point, about humans being able to have fun together, despite having battled on political things in the past. We'll have to consider this provocative new idea.

Liberals hate Coulter; moral conservatives (now) loathe her for "partying" with a bunch of sodomites.

Coulter is in a "lose lose" predicament here.


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I'd like to see Coulter's take on Enyart (assuming she ever learns he exists). Her attitude towards a monarchist would be amusing, considering how savagely she generally attacks anyone who deviates from her Eisenhower Era script.


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Hall of Fame
I'd like to see Coulter's take on Enyart (assuming she ever learns he exists). Her attitude towards a monarchist would be amusing, considering how savagely she generally attacks anyone who deviates from her Eisenhower Era script.

He actually interviewed her a while back. Started out pretty good, but she got pretty flustered at his questions on abortion and [if I remember correctly] eventually hung up on him.
for one thing, these kinds of clips can be cut and pasted together... to make it soiund like...whatever...

not saying they did that... but

anyway, what about the option of Coulter not realizing that Romney is a hypocrite?

maybe he was once pro life and now...

geeze... happens all the time... jimmy carter was sposed to be pro life... what a joke... he flipped...

same w/ the "Rev" J. Jackson... some Christian...

Ann coulter is pro life...

Anyway, i hope no one here is planning on voting for that neo-Communist, Romney in '12


New member
Yelling really makes people pay attention.
On the other hand calling Romney "neo-Communist" raises questions about your understanding of history. Color me surprised.
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