Angry Caller Kelly Converts!

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Angry Caller Kelly Converts!

This is the show from Monday March 22nd, 2010.

BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW (From a former lesbian):
I would like to take the opportunity to tell the homosexuals who are listening something very important. Because you claim you were born that way, if you think about it, it does not give you a license to break God's law. If you take this subject away from homosexuality and you place it on something else - Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gasey all said that they were born this way, they couldn't help it. So do we give them a pass in being allowed to do whatever they want to do? They're breaking God's law by murdering, raping children and you claim that you can't help it because you're born that way so we should let you do that. No, you're breaking man's law. The law of the land says you can't do that regardless if you're born that way. So in the same sense, on the other side of the coin, God's law says, I'm sorry, you can't do this. First Corinthians 6:9 - For these shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. And here's the laundry list. And gay people get very very upset when you pull out homosexuality [from that list] but there are several other things in the list there, not just homosexuality. So we're not just picking on you. An alchololic chooses every day not to drink.


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