ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
I wrote this the other day, in another thread ( :duh: ), in response to jonah's detailing of why putin is an evil man and russia isn't our friend:
Russia's been operating under their current constitution for 25 years
What did we have to brag about in 1814? Slavery?
Russia had 75 years of a brutally repressive dictatorship immediately before 1993, in a spectacularly failed attempt to make communism/Marxism/socialism work. And before that, a century of turmoil and revolt that ended in the execution of their emperor and the dissolution of their colonial empire.
and don't overlook the fact that their insane leader murdered or allowed to die some 20 million of his fellow "comrades" and that they suffered another 20 million or so deaths during WW2
We had eight years of the revolutionary war, preceded by periodic skirmishes with the French and Indians and Spanish over who was going to control the continent.
Considering where they've come from, considering their history - not just the bad stuff in the past 170 years, but the history they have to be proud of, when they were a respected, strong nation/empire - i'd say they've come a long way - they'll never be a carbon copy of western democracies, they'll always be unpredictable and prone to act in their own best interests, and they'll always be apt to stumble clumsily when performing functions that we and the French and the british have learned to do discretely (like murdering spies and dealing with political opponents) - there's a reason their symbol is the bear - and it isn't because the bear is a graceful ballerina - it's a great lumbering beast that acts unpredictably and roars and makes a lot of noise so the world remembers that it's dangerous
but they're coming back to the Russia that was a world player back in the pre-revolutionary period - a Russia you could make deals with, a Russia that was an integral player in eastern Europe and central Europe
it would be folly to think that they don't have a role to play in the future in the creation of whatever takes form in the next decades/century in their own back yard
and while i wrote this with europe in mind, it's worth remembering that they have the biggest backyard in the neighborhood- and that one of their neighbors is China. Another is Japan. And North Korea. And us.