Americans are 69 times more likely to die taking a bath than from terrorism.


Active member
According to the Global Terrorism Database at the University of Maryland, only 68 Americans have died in terror attacks since 9/11, and that includes the 13 who died in the Fort Hood rampage by military psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan.

That's an average of just under 5 people per year. An additional 260 Americans were injured, including 132 in the Boston Marathon bombing, yielding an average of about 19 people wounded annually. So since 2001, your annual chances of dying or being injured in a terrorist attack have been 1 in 62 million and 1 in 16 million, respectively. For some context, note that an average of 335 people drown in their bathtubs annually, a rate of just over 1 in 900,000. Americans are 69 times more likely to die taking a bath than from terrorism.

And yet:

So why do 49 percent of Americans say in a recent Gallup Poll that they are very to somewhat worried that they or a family member will become a victim of terrorism?


One big reason is that our extensive and growing security bureaucracies and their enablers in Congress have an interest in promoting those fears. As John Mueller, a political scientist at the Ohio State University, explained back in 2007, there is "a terrorism industry—politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, and risk entrepreneurs who systematically exaggerate dangers and who often profit from their fear-mongering and alarmism."

BOO! There's a terrorist under your bed.


Hall of Fame
One (dying in a bathtub) is accidental, no motive to harm involved. The other is vicious and sadistic, with the motive to harm as many and as often as possible.

It's similar to the reaction of a homeowner whose house is destroyed under a falling tree as compared to a homeowner whose house was burned to the ground by an arsonist.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
You'll know I'm concerned if I start keeping a carbine in the trunk of my car...Right now...Not so much. :yawn:

*Besides...You're more likely to die from being crushed by a soda machine than win the lottery but the lines at the convenience stores are still long on Lotto day. Peoples beliefs/fears are not always predicated on reality.


New member
One (dying in a bathtub) is accidental, no motive to harm involved. The other is vicious and sadistic, with the motive to harm as many and as often as possible.

It's similar to the reaction of a homeowner whose house is destroyed under a falling tree as compared to a homeowner whose house was burned to the ground by an arsonist.

Yup! The idea that there are those lurking to do harm is very unnerving.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
However the point is that the personal concern and fear is currently disproportionate to the risk.

However if you happen to live in aleppo, sudan, yemen, libya, nigeria or mali, the threat from Islamic extremism is significant palpable and real.

the concern should be decent foreign policy not should I have an extra gun in the house.

Yup! The idea that there are those lurking to do harm is very unnerving.


New member
However the point is that the personal concern and fear is currently disproportionate to the risk.

However if you happen to live in aleppo, sudan, yemen, libya, nigeria or mali, the threat from Islamic extremism is significant palpable and real.

the concern should be decent foreign policy not should I have an extra gun in the house.

I am a reasonably cautious woman. Therefore I have taken due precautions to protect myself.
I love life and am not losing any sleep over the nut cases but, I do keep an eye out for potential danger.
One of the reasons that I employ careful hygiene regimens is to assure a minimum of exposure to pathogens. They are everywhere.
Nut cases are also everywhere.


New member
One (dying in a bathtub) is accidental, no motive to harm involved. The other is vicious and sadistic, with the motive to harm as many and as often as possible.

It's similar to the reaction of a homeowner whose house is destroyed under a falling tree as compared to a homeowner whose house was burned to the ground by an arsonist.
What are you saying exactly?


New member
Americans are 69 times more likely to die taking a bath than from terrorism.

Baths haven't declared war on us. Baths don't actively go and hunt us down on the street or in shopping malls.... Because there Baths. :p that's the difference.


Active member
Baths haven't declared war on us. Baths don't actively go and hunt us down on the street or in shopping malls.... Because there Baths. :p that's the difference.

But isn't the killer that we least expect that is actually 69 times more effective at killing us (compared to the terrorists) the scariest of them all? :cool:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Does that mean 207,000 people died in a bath tub on 9/11?