American people: "Trump should talk to Mueller under oath"

The Barbarian

A large majority of Americans in both political parties think President Donald Trump should consent to an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a new poll.

The Monmouth University survey released Thursday found that 71% of Americans think Trump should agree to an interview, including 85% of Democrats, 74% of independents and 51% of Republicans. If Trump does agree to an interview, 82% of respondents think he should do it under oath, including 67% of Republicans.

Trump has said he would “love” to talk to Mueller, who is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election, as well as whether the Trump campaign or Trump himself colluded with Russia or sought to obstruct justice. But it remains to seen whether in an interview, which could be risky for Trump, will actually take place. Mueller and congressional investigators have already interviewed roughly 50 people in Trump’s orbit, and Mueller has brought criminal charges against four of Trump’s former aides.

Not such good news for Trump.


Oh absolutely. I want Ivanka, Jr and Pops sitting at the desk across from
Mueller. That would be the icing on the cake boy! I really want that to happen. Please.

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New member
Under the Miranda decision, you have the right to remain silent, and should. Never, I repeat never talk to a police officer, especially a Fed. They can lie to you, and even if you tell the truth, they can say you lied and charge you anyway. Never talk to a special agent, ever.

The Barbarian

Under the Miranda decision, you have the right to remain silent, and should.

That's true enough. If you're guilty, you have absolutely no duty to help them get you. And it's also true that police will question you repeatedly about the same thing to see if they can get you in any inconsistency.

And given Trump's habit of confabulating stories that cover his failures, it's almost a given that being questioned under oath would trip him up. He should be allowed to have lawyers there for just that reason. If he invokes his right to not answer, he can't be charged, although there would properly be a political price to pay.

Never, I repeat never talk to a police officer, especially a Fed. They can lie to you,

Quite true. Courts have ruled that they can lie to you to get a confession, and they are often trained to do that. In some cases, they've persuaded kids that a confession was just a formality, and if they did confess, they could be released and go home. That's why all such questioning should be videoed and confessions invalid if the video of the questioning was not preserved.

and even if you tell the truth, they can say you lied and charge you anyway.

That usually shakes out in court; there's a lot of cases where that happened, and the defendant walked. Not so many where they got a conviction.


New member
It is NEVER to your benefit to talk to a Federal Police officer or 'special agent', ever. Don't do it for any reason, ever.

The Barbarian

What benefit would it be to Trump?

At this juncture, the issue isn't what's best for Trump. And shouldn't be. It should be to get to the bottom of the mess and see who else, if anyone, has committed crimes.

If it helps Trump, so be it. If it makes things worse for him, that's O.K., too. Just get to the bottom of it.

patrick jane

At this juncture, the issue isn't what's best for Trump. And shouldn't be. It should be to get to the bottom of the mess and see who else, if anyone, has committed crimes.

If it helps Trump, so be it. If it makes things worse for him, that's O.K., too. Just get to the bottom of it.
The Republicans ARE getting to the bottom of it.


"Trump should talk to Mueller under oath"

Hopefully on live TV.

However, the responsible, competent Republicans will be dead for the next centuary.


New member
See, the advantage of telling the truth, is that you don't have to remember what you said. Too late for him, of course, but maybe someone else can learn from it.

The latest is that Trump's lawyers are worried that he is both such a compulsive braggert as well as such a pathological liar, that he will be unable to keep his mouth shut where he needs to.

We're talking a fool who where he should plead the 5th will simply be unable to.

He is that ever compelled to have to brag and or lie about a thing.

Nothing knew there.

Its been the very life-long pattern most who have dealt with him have reported.

And its been the very pattern we have seen him unable to break from, all the way back to when he lied about the size of those inauguration crowds, and so much more since that day to this.

The man truly is a self-destructive moth to his own, self-induced scalding hot light-bulb.

The whole thing remains one heck of a comedy of errors to observe unfold.

Of course, saying all this really upsets his loyalists.

They simply cannot bear the thought they were / are wrong in having placed their faith in such a pathological fool.

The poor souls.

They actually conclude one points this all out, out of some sort of hate for them and or their false idol.

Even his own lawyers are worried he will end himself and his own behind bars.

In those two "quirks" of his, the man is much like the late Mob Boss: John Gotti, all over again - another self-over blown fool ever lying about, and bragging about how slick he had been against the FBI - WHILE ROTTING IN PRISON.
