Ambassador Alan Keyes on Bob Enyart Live
This is the show from Tuesday September 3rd, 2013
Looking forward to Dr. Keyes' Denver appearance this Saturday at the Colorado RTL banquet, Bob Enyart re-asks Dr. Keyes a question from Michael Medved about returning abortion to the states, and about John McCain comparing a Muslim fighter's cry Allahu Akhbar to a Christian saying, Thank God. The two also talk about the change in what it means to be a RINO, and about "conservative Christians" who are ashamed to recognize the authority of God in government.
This is the show from Tuesday September 3rd, 2013
Bob Enyart: Dr. Keyes, should the issue of abortion returned to the states?
Alan Keyes: We can’t return the issue of abortion to the states because it’s already been decided by God Almighty. We are endowed with unalienable rights which have to be respected by governments at every level - state level, local level, national level. The Declaration of Independence says we’re endowed by God with unalienable rights and that governments exist to secure these rights. Now, that’s not just this government or that government, but all governments.
Looking forward to Dr. Keyes' Denver appearance this Saturday at the Colorado RTL banquet, Bob Enyart re-asks Dr. Keyes a question from Michael Medved about returning abortion to the states, and about John McCain comparing a Muslim fighter's cry Allahu Akhbar to a Christian saying, Thank God. The two also talk about the change in what it means to be a RINO, and about "conservative Christians" who are ashamed to recognize the authority of God in government.