There is a lot more to this article. You can read it at the following link. Rasmussen Reports poll released on Thursday claimed 47 percent of voters surveyed believe it’s likely that Democrats “stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump ballots in several states” to ensure that Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump. Conversely, approximately half of the voters polled disagreed with the sentiment.
More specifically, 61 percent of Republicans claimed that it’s “very likely” Democrats stole the election, while the same portion of Democrats said it’s “not at all likely.” Among individuals not affiliated with a party, 29 percent believe the referendum was stolen, and 45 percent believe it wasn’t.
The survey also found that views on Trump conceding vary by party affiliation. While 84 percent of Democrats believe that Trump should concede, 57 percent of Republicans disagree.
Rasmussen also found that faith in the integrity of the election has declined since Election Day.
“Just two weeks before this year’s Election Day, 94% said their vote would be correctly recorded and counted, with 73% who said it was Very Likely. Following the election, those findings fell to 71%and 47% respectively.”
Interestingly, the poll found that just 51 percent of voters believe their friends and neighbors think Trump should concede. Thirty percent believe they would disagree, and 18 percent are not sure. In a piece for Breitbart, John Nolte argued that these are the most critical findings because top pollsters have suggested the question more accurately captures the “true intent of the person being surveyed.”
Notice especially the loss of confidence in US elections. The numbers above are very important as this distrust is growing. It won't be long until the majority of people will distrust our election process. And they will do so with very good reason. This is, in my opinion, a complete loss of trust in our government, and that is the end of a republic. and the beginning of a totalitarian government. And the socialists are cheering this on and saying that the US needs communist style reeducation camps for anyone who disagrees with the government.