All of God's Law, a Weight, a Provision, or a Blessing? Accepting God's Law.


What does life look like when we accept God's Law? Do you believe that we should, do, or have?

The Law points out sin. There is punishment for breaking the Law. There is blessing for observing and keeping it.

How are people set free from sin? Does it make sense to say that people need to be set free from the Law? If the Law points out sin, do people seek to be set free from it so that it no longer points out their sin?

What does, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus mean? Does no condemnation mean that the Law or God or Jesus does not or do not condemn? Is condemnation a feeling, a judgment, guilt? Should people feel guilt or guilty? If a person is judged or condemned does that make them guilty? What does innocent until proven guilty mean? What does it mean for people to live according to a judge's decision? What is a halachic ruling or judgment? Is the death penalty involved, or does the criminal or wrongdoer have something that they are supposed to do by the judge's decision? Does the community live according to the decision or the transgressor? If guilt is determined in judgment, what are guilty feelings? Is a person guilty of committing a crime before they are judged as having done so?

Name something that is good about observing God's Law. Is it good for those who observe it and not good for those who do not? If so, then why do people not want to observe God's Law? Make the decision to observe it, and experience God's Blessing for so doing, both so that you are not punished (repent, turn to God, and observe His Law which pointed out your sin obeying His Commandments) and so that good results for God wants you to experience good and blessing in your life. We don't do good to expect a reward, but God blesses those who obey His Commandments. If you have a reason aside from sin or rebellion for not accepting God's Law, like an argument for the New Covenant for the house of Israel and the house of Judah God's law written on minds and hearts, or forgiveness in Jesus apart from the New Covenant, or if you are looking for help in repenting and confessing your crime or crimes or wrongdoing sin transgression violation whatever it is, state what it is here at risk of your own peril or go to the appropriate people and confess your sin or to the appropriate authorities as God leads you to do so. You cannot get away with your crimes, God sees everything you do.

I hope for your best, and want to help you here, whatever your argument.

Happy Chanukah!

