Al Gore's Inconvenient Facts nemesis Wrightstone on RSR
This is the show from Friday, January 17th, 2020
Pennsylvannia Science Teacher: 1/18/20 "Teaching science comes with a great challenge to managing one's time, so thanks RSR for keeping your audience, including us teacheres out here, up to speed on the important highlights in the climate debate.
* Gregory Wrightstone: If you search "Gregory Wrightstone" on the top ten anti global warming websites you'll find that they mention today's Real Science Radio guest thousands of times. To confirm that, Google: top ten anti global warming websites. You'll find at our list that includes cfact, wattsupwiththat, climedepot, heartland, and Wrightstone's own On our anti climate crisis RSR page, you'll find a time-saving customized Google tool that simultaneously searches those and only those top ten sites. This cuts through Internet clutter when you're looking for the strongest argument against the climate alarmist. (Atop find the same kind of time-saving Google search for origins research.) Bob and Greg discuss the minor and historically normal warming that's happened recently, the persistent U.S. heat records from the 1930s and glaciers at Glacier National Park, State Pen's Michael Mann losing the first of his two hockey stick lawsuits, the Australia fires, the Amazon not being the "lungs of the world", UN IPCC scientists breaking ranks and exposing fraud, geologist Wrightstone himself, ironically, becoming an IPCC advisor, the Earth's helpful feedback loop of warmer temps increasing evaporation and cloud cover lowering increasing its albedo and lowering temps, and finally, the whether phenomenon known as the Gore Effect. After the interview Bob shared with old-earther Wrightstone the greatest discovery in the history of paleontology, dinosaur soft tissue! See those discoveries as published in the world's leading science journals at And see our maintained page at
* Unrelated Item of Interest: See the list that Bob curates with Dr. Brian Thomas, Ph.D. in paleobiochemsitry, at
Today's RSR Resource: Check out Trading Genesis on DVD, HD Download, and Blu-ray! Pepperdine University in California has long enjoyed a reputation as a leading conservative Christian institution. Today, however, Pepperdine’s faculty teaches theistic evolution. Though affiliated with the Church of Christ, the theistic evolution of the school’s science and theology professors is indistinguishable from the methodological naturalism of the atheist. Recently, the administration denied a request by some Pepperdine alumni to present a lecture on biblical creation. Not deterred, both longtime and recent graduates organized their own creation-evolution conference on the school’s campus and advertised it in the Malibu Times newspaper.
This is the show from Friday, January 17th, 2020
Pennsylvannia Science Teacher: 1/18/20 "Teaching science comes with a great challenge to managing one's time, so thanks RSR for keeping your audience, including us teacheres out here, up to speed on the important highlights in the climate debate.
* Gregory Wrightstone: If you search "Gregory Wrightstone" on the top ten anti global warming websites you'll find that they mention today's Real Science Radio guest thousands of times. To confirm that, Google: top ten anti global warming websites. You'll find at our list that includes cfact, wattsupwiththat, climedepot, heartland, and Wrightstone's own On our anti climate crisis RSR page, you'll find a time-saving customized Google tool that simultaneously searches those and only those top ten sites. This cuts through Internet clutter when you're looking for the strongest argument against the climate alarmist. (Atop find the same kind of time-saving Google search for origins research.) Bob and Greg discuss the minor and historically normal warming that's happened recently, the persistent U.S. heat records from the 1930s and glaciers at Glacier National Park, State Pen's Michael Mann losing the first of his two hockey stick lawsuits, the Australia fires, the Amazon not being the "lungs of the world", UN IPCC scientists breaking ranks and exposing fraud, geologist Wrightstone himself, ironically, becoming an IPCC advisor, the Earth's helpful feedback loop of warmer temps increasing evaporation and cloud cover lowering increasing its albedo and lowering temps, and finally, the whether phenomenon known as the Gore Effect. After the interview Bob shared with old-earther Wrightstone the greatest discovery in the history of paleontology, dinosaur soft tissue! See those discoveries as published in the world's leading science journals at And see our maintained page at
* Unrelated Item of Interest: See the list that Bob curates with Dr. Brian Thomas, Ph.D. in paleobiochemsitry, at
Today's RSR Resource: Check out Trading Genesis on DVD, HD Download, and Blu-ray! Pepperdine University in California has long enjoyed a reputation as a leading conservative Christian institution. Today, however, Pepperdine’s faculty teaches theistic evolution. Though affiliated with the Church of Christ, the theistic evolution of the school’s science and theology professors is indistinguishable from the methodological naturalism of the atheist. Recently, the administration denied a request by some Pepperdine alumni to present a lecture on biblical creation. Not deterred, both longtime and recent graduates organized their own creation-evolution conference on the school’s campus and advertised it in the Malibu Times newspaper.