ADD: Adult Discipline Disorder
This is the show from Wednesday, April 18th 2012.
* Roberto, you got some 'splainin to do! Email from a listener about yesterday's program:
Bob...Did you even read the news story? The girl was out of control, even thinking of running through a window, jumping on everything, about to really hurt herself or others. What does "what's a liberal to do" have ANYTHING to do with this situation? Please explain yourself.... -Chuck
* What's a Liberal To Do? Bob responds to Chuck regarding yesterday's story about the police handcuffing and hauling off that six-year-old girl from kindergarten. Bob explains to Chuck why this story is in our "What's a Liberal To Do" file.
* Liberal U.S. Scientists Can't Figure Out Why We Need the Death Penalty: Aside from the researchers admiting that they ignored any moral considerations, what other reasons might there be for their failure? See also our Best-of-the-Web #1 Google article on What Does the Bible Say About the Death Penalty?
* Today's Resources: Check out Bob's best-selling DVD, God and the Death Penalty! Question: Do any New Testament personalities or books support execution? Answer: As shown directly in this video, Jesus, Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Hebrews, Revelation, and an angel all give strong support for the death penalty.
This is the show from Wednesday, April 18th 2012.
* Roberto, you got some 'splainin to do! Email from a listener about yesterday's program:
Bob...Did you even read the news story? The girl was out of control, even thinking of running through a window, jumping on everything, about to really hurt herself or others. What does "what's a liberal to do" have ANYTHING to do with this situation? Please explain yourself.... -Chuck
* What's a Liberal To Do? Bob responds to Chuck regarding yesterday's story about the police handcuffing and hauling off that six-year-old girl from kindergarten. Bob explains to Chuck why this story is in our "What's a Liberal To Do" file.
* Liberal U.S. Scientists Can't Figure Out Why We Need the Death Penalty: Aside from the researchers admiting that they ignored any moral considerations, what other reasons might there be for their failure? See also our Best-of-the-Web #1 Google article on What Does the Bible Say About the Death Penalty?
* Today's Resources: Check out Bob's best-selling DVD, God and the Death Penalty! Question: Do any New Testament personalities or books support execution? Answer: As shown directly in this video, Jesus, Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Hebrews, Revelation, and an angel all give strong support for the death penalty.