• This is a new section being rolled out to attract people interested in exploring the origins of the universe and the earth from a biblical perspective. Debate is encouraged and opposing viewpoints are welcome to post but certain rules must be followed. 1. No abusive tagging - if abusive tags are found - they will be deleted and disabled by the Admin team 2. No calling the biblical accounts a fable - fairy tale ect. This is a Christian site, so members that participate here must be respectful in their disagreement.

About Viruses the Good and the Bad


New member
Mine just sticks to the facts.
You forgot the capital F on Facts, like the capital T on Truth. You should treat the alt-Facts with more reverence, since they are in the service of your fundamentalist religious lifestyle choice, with no interest in what has really happened in earth's history.

The coronavirus will be no respecter of 'variation within kinds'. Yes it will still be a virus, but it currently does not contain the changes that will make it a lasting threat in the future. This can be demonstrated by comparing the current genome with its genome in a couple of years from now. It will mutate and mutate and those new mutations will create its ability to outpace our first attempts at a vaccine, even if the 2019 variant is naturally (or artificially) selected out of existence. It will continue to evolve and we will have to produce new vaccines, possibly annually, just as we have had to do with the influenza virus. Viruses mutate so fast that they run the risk of mutating themselves to become non-viable. Perhaps we can hope for that.

So much for your denial of evolution by natural selection, and your ridiculous religious alt-facts. It is being served up to you before your eyes right now. There is no power in creationism to explain what is happening with the corona virus of 2019, and no power to do anything about it. Maybe you could try praying, but that has also been shown to be completely ineffective above a placebo effect.

And the only reason you force yourself to believe this bizarre limited form of 'within kinds' evolution is because of ancient writings about an impossible wooden boat floating on a global flood that is conclusively proved not to have happened.

Devotees to the fundamentalist religious alt-facts will have to wait quietly while the real scientists work out the best solutions they can to the current pandemic, and those solutions will work, and that will be because they understand the consequences of evolution by natural selection from the variation created by mutation.


Right Divider

Body part
You forgot the capital F on Facts, like the capital T on Truth. You should treat the alt-Facts with more reverence, since they are in the service of your fundamentalist religious lifestyle choice, with no interest in what has really happened in earth's history.

The coronavirus will be no respecter of 'variation within kinds'. Yes it will still be a virus, but it currently does not contain the changes that will make it a lasting threat in the future. This can be demonstrated by comparing the current genome with its genome in a couple of years from now. It will mutate and mutate and those new mutations will create its ability to outpace our first attempts at a vaccine, even if the 2019 variant is naturally (or artificially) selected out of existence. It will continue to evolve and we will have to produce new vaccines, possibly annually, just as we have had to do with the influenza virus. Viruses mutate so fast that they run the risk of mutating themselves to become non-viable. Perhaps we can hope for that.

So much for your denial of evolution by natural selection, and your ridiculous religious alt-facts. It is being served up to you before your eyes right now. There is no power in creationism to explain what is happening with the corona virus of 2019, and no power to do anything about it. Maybe you could try praying, but that has also been shown to be completely ineffective above a placebo effect.

And the only reason you force yourself to believe this bizarre limited form of 'within kinds' evolution is because of ancient writings about an impossible wooden boat floating on a global flood that is conclusively proved not to have happened.

Devotees to the fundamentalist religious alt-facts will have to wait quietly while the real scientists work out the best solutions they can to the current pandemic, and those solutions will work, and that will be because they understand the consequences of evolution by natural selection from the variation created by mutation.


Your silliness knows no bounds, just like your impossible theory.