How can you create laws that are against abortion but never put someone in the situation where they are living in contradiction of a law? Different ages and medical situations in the womb, not being conception, are not the ultimate law (apart from outlawing contraceptives). Meaning, if a person is aborted and lives they are a living walking contradiction to the fact that they should have died but knowing that they should have lived. Well, there is no shame culture in living or not, either you are living or you are not. There may be a contradiction if you had an abortion and abortion is against the law. There may be shame from that that needs to be recovered from if that is God's way. So, fetal heartbeat, living. Body parts, living. Conceived, living. Not conceived, still the potential for life in this life, being sperm and or egg. So, no problem with creating laws that are against abortion. Why would anyone say that they would happen anyway, back alley or whatnot? Is the best that a person can do to say why we should not have laws against abortion is because it would create shame for those who have abortions? Certainly that can be recovered from and people can follow the law that promotes life. There is time that transpires between when a law is made and when everyone knows about it.