ABCs & 123s of Christianity and OSA Debrief 2005
Friday July 21st, 2006. This is show #145.
Friday July 21st, 2006. This is show #145.
Today's Resource: Subscribe to Bob Enyart's Sunday Sermons and ask for a bonus CD of Bob's message on Israel the Bride! You'll love it or your money back!The pagan Greeks reasoned, "Maybe there's a standard of goodness outside of God and then if He abides by that standard then He's good. So then God is not really the ultimate standard of goodness but something outside of God." So Socrates argued this in one of Plato's Dialogs and it was called Euthyphro's dilemma, that if God was good because He conformed to and external standard of right and wrong then that standard is really God because it's more important than God Himself. On the other hand if everything God says and does is the standard then even God can't know if He's good. He might be evil. And so they concluded that even though God did exist, He couldn't know if He was good or bad.
So the unenlightened, humanist philosophy stumbled upon a truth and a question that is answered in the triune nature of God.