A Story About The Boy, The Lamb, The Mountain and 5 Men


5 men of differing Spiritual wisdom were intently trying to figure out how to climb the mountain of wisdom to sit and converse with God. They were sitting at the foot of a mountain and looking up at its' peek.

One man said that he must empty of self completely.

Another said he must find himself completely.

The third man said that he must please God in his every action completely.

The fourth man said that he must sacrifice everything precious to himself completely.

Lastly, the fifth man said He must study all understanding about God and Gods to fully equip himself for the climb.

All 5 men looked up and saw a trail of dust begin to travel down the mountain. They looked in aw at the beauty of this occurrence in light of their search. The cloud of dust made its' way to the center of the circle of men.

When it cleared, a little boy was standing before them.

He looked at them as one that understood the depths of eternity and love poured from his every demeanor.

The boy asked the men in a sweet voice; "Why do you seek to climb the mountain, when God descended it long ago that He could Love those He cherishes as a Groom cherishes His Bride?"

A flash of light blinded the men.

In their literal blindness they sat silently.

They each began to be aware of the very emotions and thoughts that generated their every word ever spoken. They began to identify a longing that consumed them that had always been there.

One man finally spoke. He said; Could it be that God's longing to embrace me has forever been deeper than my longing to embrace Him?

Instantly He could see.

Two of the other men agreed with the man's words and they too could instantly see.

The 3 of them looked around and were astonished to see that the mountain was gone and in it's place was a small child crying over the body of a slain lamb.

They told their blind friends what they saw, and the blind friends laughed.

The men of vision begged the other two to quit laughing and join them as they walked over to comfort the crying child.

The blind men were angered that they would be so concerned for a weeping child instead of concerned for their blindness.

As the 3 men approached the weeping child, they noticed he was covered in the sores of leprosy.

Two of the men recoiled in disgust and ran back to sit with the two blind men. The instant they sat with them, their bodies were stricken with leprosy.

The one man embraced the weeping child until the child wept no longer. He felt a new Spirit of understanding and Love flow through Him. He closed his eyes at the perfection of the moment.

When he opened his eyes the boy was gone, but in his arms was the slain lamb, only it was alive in his arms and they both at the peek of the mountain.

The man set the lamb down and it laid before the man at the peek of the mountain.

The lamb spoke and said; The leper dwells within you and your friends need you.

The man walked down the mountain and wept over his friends condition.

He approached his friends who were now fighting. The blind men were condemning the sickness of the lepers, while the lepers were trying to explain that the vision they had would allow them to help the blind men.

The one man that had the leper boy dwelling within him looked over and saw a beautiful mansion that had appeared out of nowhere.

He led his four fighting friends to it. The door posts were covered in blood and above its' elaborate frame was inscribed a picture of the lamb on top of the mountain. A table was immediately inside the mansion and it was inscribed with the words; All of your needs for food and water will forever be present at this table.

The 4 fighting men refused to eat together and the 2 lepers and 2 blind men only welcomed the company of the one man that had the leper boy dwelling within him.

The one man of Love cared for his fighting friends. He never joined their fights, but simply cared for their every need. His disposition of Love began to slow the fighting of the friends until one day the 5 men dwelled in the mansion peacefully. They finally sat at the table together and enjoyed the best meal of their lives.

When they finished the meal, they all gasped! The blind men could see and the lepers were healed.

They all died that very moment.

They were standing before a man that looked much like the boy that had visited them.

The man asked them to come join Him for a feast of slain lamb and the finest wine.

The host asked them to all 5 sit at the table and allow him to wash their feet.

At these words the 5 men wept and fell before God on their knees.

Two men said; for I have always searched You out and because I have searched for You, I have found You and am entitled to be here.

Two men said; I have always done your will with my flesh and condemned my friends that didn't do so.

The King picked up one of the men and embraced him until he stopped weeping. When the man stopped weeping, he looked the King in His beautiful eyes and begged Him to forgive His friends, for his love was too great for them to spend eternity without one of them.


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