A Reflection On The Catholic Mass


The Catholic Mass is quite possibly the saddest thing that you can imagine. We are desensitized to it, but if you think about what's happening, it's horrifyingly tragic.

We begin the magic with the liturgy of the word. We listen to verses from the old testament, and then hear the words that Jesus said.

The priest then gives a homily where he talks about what Jesus said.

It's essentially a eulogy.

Then the liturgy of the eucharist, where we hear the words of Jesus "on the night he was betrayed." How he offered up bread, saying that "this is my body," and the wine saying "this is my blood."

Telling us that this offering he was giving to us is the sacrifice of His very life on the cross.

And on the following day, he died.

I can't think of anything more sad, more tragic.

From the earliest times of Christianity, as soon as Christ died and rose again, the Christians immediately began celebrating the mass. Offering literally every day, in effect, a memorial service to Jesus.

The people who offered the mass were people who knew Jesus, who loved Jesus, who watched him die.

Imagine giving a memorial service to your dead friend every day and not breaking down in tears every single time.

But they didn't. For them, the mass was an occasion of great joy.

What explanation can I offer other than that Christ is risen?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
The Catholic Mass is quite possibly the saddest thing that you can imagine

That is possibly the stupidest, most ignorant lie anybody has ever posted in a forum.

Of course, to a baby murdering communist like you, the Mass would certainly be boring since it does not feed you your daily need of hate and evil and socialism.

But to good people the Mass is Heaven on Earth.

The Mass as Heaven on Earth

"Paschal Sacrifice: A Heavenly Banquet for Earthly Beggars" Dr. Scott Hahn


Bradley D

Well-known member
The idea of communion is for us to remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins. Our sins put Christ on the cross!

"And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19).

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
The idea of communion is for us to remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins. Our sins put Christ on the cross!

"And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19).

But that is only ONE of many aspects of what we do.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
From the earliest times of Christianity, as soon as Christ died and rose again, the Christians immediately began celebrating the mass. Offering literally every day, in effect, a memorial service to Jesus.
I see the commie is in the penalty box. Just a little history is needed. As always, check Acts of the Apostles, then Romans, in that order. The Holy Spirit put them in that order, and it was not random.

And just for fun....
