ECT A question from a Muslim


Well-known member

God is omniscient.
Jesus told his disciples He did not know the day and hour of His return.
Jesus is not God.

How can Jesus be God if He didn't know what God knew?

This is what this man believes.

What is the best answer to this?

Cross Reference

New member

God is omniscient.
Jesus told his disciples He did not know the day and hour of His return.
Jesus is not God.

How can Jesus be God if He didn't know what God knew?

This is what this man believes.

What is the best answer to this?

Good questions. One can only answer them if he is led by God to do so. If he is, he will have the answer. Studying the written word is for filling our "well" with Spiritual water for the Holy Spirit to draw out in the day it is required of us.. It may come as a thought, however, the thought has to be expressed with words that you "own". That is the way Jesus did it.


Well-known member
Good questions. One can only answer them if he is led by God to do so. If he is, he will have the answer. Studying the written word is for filling our "well" with Spiritual water for the Holy Spirit to draw out in the day it is required of us.. It may come as a thought, however, the thought has to be expressed with words that you "own". That is the way Jesus did it.

My answer is that when Jesus divested Himself (humbled Himself) to come to this world in the flesh parts of His foreknowledge were also left behind (with the glory He had before the foundations of the world; "Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. John 17:5).

In the same way, I don't believe Jesus KNEW He was going to die a horrible death on a cross when He was 6 years old. Same principle.

I could be wrong.

Cross Reference

New member
My answer is that when Jesus divested Himself (humbled Himself) to come to this world in the flesh parts of His foreknowledge were also left behind (with the glory He had before the foundations of the world; "Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. John 17:5).

In the same way, I don't believe Jesus KNEW He was going to die a horrible death on a cross when He was 6 years old. Same principle.

I could be wrong.

I fully agree with you, however, do you believe that about Jesus would satisfy your Muslim friend?


New member

God is omniscient.
Jesus told his disciples He did not know the day and hour of His return.
Jesus is not God.

How can Jesus be God if He didn't know what God knew?

This is what this man believes.

What is the best answer to this?

Because Jesus humbled himself and did not seek to be equal with God while he was in human form so that he could be obedient to the cross and atone for our sins.

If he had not been human and divine at the same time, his payment would not have been sufficient.

Cross Reference

New member
Because Jesus humbled himself and did not seek to be equal with God while he was in human form so that he could be obedient to the cross and atone for our sins.

If he had not been human and divine at the same time, his payment would not have been sufficient.

I hope you wouldn't be holding your breath.

Cross Reference

New member

They DON'T want to believe Jesus is God...and the above is one of their "proofs."

I posted this thread looking for a better answer.

God's indwelling life speaking your testimony is the only one until their mind is converted. It will be then that your words will have weight to them.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

God is omniscient.
Jesus told his disciples He did not know the day and hour of His return.
Jesus is not God.

How can Jesus be God if He didn't know what God knew?

This is what this man believes.

What is the best answer to this?
Ask them why they believe that particular verse has not been corrupted, like they think most of the bible is.


Well-known member

God is omniscient.
Jesus told his disciples He did not know the day and hour of His return.
Jesus is not God.

How can Jesus be God if He didn't know what God knew?

This is what this man believes.

What is the best answer to this?

The key to understanding this dilemma lay in understanding the term "Elohiym".


Well-known member
Here's how I would respond:

Muslim said:
God is omniscient.

Granted, but you haven't established what the substance of God is, and you are assuming that omniscient means God "sees the future," and it's set in stone. My rebuttal is that God is omniscient because He is omnipresent, not because he "sees the future."

Muslim said:
Jesus told his disciples He did not know the day and hour of His return.

You are assuming it's a fixed date and time already decided.

Muslim said:
Jesus is not God.

You are only claiming that based on assumptions.


New member
A question from a Muslim

God is omniscient.
That depends on what you mean by omniscient.

Jesus told his disciples He did not know the day and hour of His return.
Yes, Jesus spoke the truth.

Jesus is not God.
That depends on what you mean by God.

How can Jesus be God if He didn't know what God knew?
See above

This is what this man believes.

What is the best answer to this?
From the time of His birth until the time of His resurrection, Jesus had no powers or knowledge that was not available to any man, with the exception of the powers and knowledge given to Him from the Father through the Holy Spirit (which are also available to those that ask).
The Father did not share the day or the hour of the return of Jesus to the earth with Jesus before His resurrection.


New member
I hope you wouldn't be holding your breath.

Philippians 2 verse 6+

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.