A moment of national socialism?


Well-known member
Was the out of nowhere patriotic streak at the DNC a moment of national socialism? it's the party that hates America. 'America is immoral and racist and homophobic.' But this week the Democratic party spent all kinds of money on RW&B and the paper wasn't 70% recycled content!

Socialism gets practiced and fails in a number of ways, but the weird thing is when it is patriotically about one country. Watch out.

That in itself, should show you the entire movement is really as toxic as so many critics have been saying. Not just the Creep at the center, and their misconduct and criminality. This person let Crimea happen--no problem.


Khrushchev was Ukrainian. During Soviet days as Premier he gave the Crimea, which had always been part of Russia, to the Ukraine. This seemed harmless at the time and even sensible since the Ukraine was part of the USSR. When the USSR broke up into many countries the Crimea should have been returned to Russia.


Was the out of nowhere patriotic streak at the DNC a moment of national socialism? it's the party that hates America. 'America is immoral and racist and homophobic.' But this week the Democratic party spent all kinds of money on RW&B and the paper wasn't 70% recycled content!

Socialism gets practiced and fails in a number of ways, but the weird thing is when it is patriotically about one country. Watch out.

That in itself, should show you the entire movement is really as toxic as so many critics have been saying. Not just the Creep at the center, and their misconduct and criminality. This person let Crimea happen--no problem.

Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say - abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact.

- George Eliot



1. The OP seems to forget that it is now widely accepted that those individuals who hacked the DNC computers and released embarrassing emails one day before the Convention were Russian.
It appears that the Russians are trying to influence the American election and the only person who would benefit from such leaks is Donald Trump.

2. Donald Trump's campaign manager also ran the campaign of the former Ukrainian president who was later ousted and fled to Russia.
He encouraged Putin to take over the Crimea and invade eastern Ukraine which resulted in the Obama Administration imposing sanctions.

3. Trump is now on the record stating that he would consider lifting the US sanctions against Russia if he became president.


like marbles on glass
Was the out of nowhere patriotic streak at the DNC a moment of national socialism? it's the party that hates America. 'America is immoral and racist and homophobic.' But this week the Democratic party spent all kinds of money on RW&B and the paper wasn't 70% recycled content!

If there had been no red white and blue at all, would you have started a thread saying the lack of patriotism at the DNC was a moment of national communism?

What's the red white and blue tipping point between not enough red white and blue and too much red white and blue? Maybe you could be a red white and blue consultant for the 2020 DNC to make sure they get their red white and blue in the just-exactly-perfect patriotic range.


Well-known member
If there had been no red white and blue at all, would you have started a thread saying the lack of patriotism at the DNC was a moment of national communism?

What's the red white and blue tipping point between not enough red white and blue and too much red white and blue? Maybe you could be a red white and blue consultant for the 2020 DNC to make sure they get their red white and blue in the just-exactly-perfect patriotic range.

The hatred for America as is is easily documented from just a month ago; for ex., the chant at the RNC, 'America was never great.' Or Obama: the Constitution is fundamentally flawed. So why the explosion of praise for reading the Constitution from the Muslim father?


Well-known member

Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say - abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact.

- George Eliot


As evidence of a Creep, what has Hilary said about the deaths she caused at Benghazi: WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? Where is the press release after the mother of the soldier who spoke at RNC? And these are what you consider friends, ie, nice people?

And then there is the 'urban plantation' of the Democrat social vision as found in Hilary's America.


Well-known member
The thing about the OP is to realize that the Left is what generates "national socialist" thought and dictatorship. Everyone else is demeaned as being too stupid. Everyone else must have centralized government to function. Government is god. Government creates money or wealth etc. It's in the Frankfurt School, it's in Sanger, it's in the proto-Nazi philosophers in books like The Politics of Cultural Despair.


Well-known member
If there is any question that the DNC completely trashed the meaning of "America" this week to gain TV ratings or other ratings, just review Rev. Wright. God F___ America. That's what Obama sat under for 20 years, although...he...can't...seem...to...remember...it.

So for 7 years Obama has whined that he couldn't change that F____ed up America, so obviously it's still so very awful, but this week it's great to be America the Great! Yay! (mindless fan applause in the background).

That's the Deludeds voting for Hilary, unless there is an outbreak of common sense.


like marbles on glass
Both the RNC and the DNC were political spectacles, and that's pretty much what everyone expects them to be. Conventions are a pretty straight-forward way to get attention for each party's candidate and issues, and they don't pretend that's not exactly what they're doing. Don't you think most voters understand that?


Well-known member
Both the RNC and the DNC were political spectacles, and that's pretty much what everyone expects them to be. Conventions are a pretty straight-forward way to get attention for each party's candidate and issues, and they don't pretend that's not exactly what they're doing. Don't you think most voters understand that?

I think at DNC they want love for the person because the policies are rubbish. At this RNC, I think they know he's no Romney or Reagan but the policies are necessary.

The Horn

This post is just a straw man . Liberal Democrats don't say that all whites are racist or all men are sexist . They merely acknowledge the fact that America DOES have serious problems with bigotry - racism, sexism, homophobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia etc - things which do exist and exist everywhere .
Inequality ,injustice, intolerance and oppression exist everywhere on earth and have for ages .
We liberals just want to FIGHT these things in America and make this country into a more just, fair, equitable, and free place . What is so terrible about this ? It will never be possible to make America a perfect place where there is no inequality and injustice , or the world in general.
But we should endeavor to try to IMPROVE this country as much as possible .
We liberals don't want to take all or most of the money away from rich people and "redistribute "it to the poor and middle class . We just want the rich to pay their fair share of taxes , something which would do a lot to create jobs , lift more and more poor people out of their poverty, and keep the middle class from sinking helplessly into poverty .
Actually, it's the Republican party which redistributes wealth in America. But as reverse Robin Hoods, stealing from the poor and middle class to make the rich even richer . This has been absolutely disastrous for America .


Well-known member
This post is just a straw man . Liberal Democrats don't say that all whites are racist or all men are sexist . They merely acknowledge the fact that America DOES have serious problems with bigotry - racism, sexism, homophobia, antisemitism, Islamophobia etc - things which do exist and exist everywhere .
Inequality ,injustice, intolerance and oppression exist everywhere on earth and have for ages .
We liberals just want to FIGHT these things in America and make this country into a more just, fair, equitable, and free place . What is so terrible about this ? It will never be possible to make America a perfect place where there is no inequality and injustice , or the world in general.
But we should endeavor to try to IMPROVE this country as much as possible .
We liberals don't want to take all or most of the money away from rich people and "redistribute "it to the poor and middle class . We just want the rich to pay their fair share of taxes , something which would do a lot to create jobs , lift more and more poor people out of their poverty, and keep the middle class from sinking helplessly into poverty .
Actually, it's the Republican party which redistributes wealth in America. But as reverse Robin Hoods, stealing from the poor and middle class to make the rich even richer . This has been absolutely disastrous for America .

I don't have exact figures, but the criticism about the 1% makes me laugh because it turns out that 1% pays 50% of the national budget, including the several thousand that is EIC credit to families just above the poverty line with children.

America has been so great before the Great Society and the Democrat "urban plantations" came along that people have forgotten such things as more black people tried to come here voluntarily than were forced to come here as slaves! If you want to be fair, please help stop the socialist media that pumps out misconceptions along those lines.

Why was Hilary on the WalMart board for such a long time, keeping the wages down?

What I don't get is the amount of effort that went to bathroom equality when such a small % was involved. It's tiring. It is a stupid use of time. Build an extra single bathroom called Unisex, and you're done. This is not a major cultural issue nor accomplishment.

And, culturally, if same sex marriage is one of your champion moments, I tell you you are a fool because there is no cultural evidence that this is good. Also it minimizes the distinction between genders in its delusion that there MUST be equality of all kinds, types and shapes. There is not and there will not be.

The Left is philosophically atheist and materialist and can't tolerate the idea of any physical reality out there that confirms Genesis and creation; it must all be stamped out. But there is no way to get rid of the huge differences between men and women nor the beauty of the two different genders being joined into one as we were created to do. It is only a mental condition that would shift or tamper with these things.

Our youth are taught that Cuba and Venezuela are so much more fair because they are socialist, but it is a farce. They are hunting cats to eat in Caracas and Cuba has the highest human rights violations per capita. So I gladly spit on those two references.

The Horn

More straw men, interplanner . Liberals are not necessarily atheists and materialists, and many ARE Christians, just not fundamentalist and evangelical . You have to be extremely naive to believe in the literal truth of Genesis and deny evolution. There is absolutely no conflict between evolution and an ancient earth and believing in a god .
Yes, there are a lot more liberal Christians in America than you realize .
Liberals are not necessarily atheists and materialists, and many ARE Christians, just not fundamentalist and evangelical . You have to be extremely naive to believe in the literal truth of Genesis and deny evolution.

Really? Christians who aren't fundamentalists? You are extremely naive to believe you can have breakfast with God and sleep with the devil. The Bible is abundantly clear where proponents of sins and lies, that are in emnity against God, stand, and scripture recommends you don't pack a sweater. God is not mocked.

You can't pick your truths or support evil and claim Christ. This is only false religion, doctrines of man, and you're simply deluded. And no excuses, as much scripture has you dead to rights where you stand, advocating for sin and the devil.

John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.


Well-known member
More straw men, interplanner . Liberals are not necessarily atheists and materialists, and many ARE Christians, just not fundamentalist and evangelical . You have to be extremely naive to believe in the literal truth of Genesis and deny evolution. There is absolutely no conflict between evolution and an ancient earth and believing in a god .
Yes, there are a lot more liberal Christians in America than you realize .

I think you've made a point for me in that there are many Christians so scared of believing something subversive to philosophic materialism and uniformitarianism that they have decided to opt for evolution and a very slow development process. The institutions have succeeded in making you cow to that. I guess you're not up on catastrophism and much of the recent research on vertical tectonics and 'tracing Genesis through history' where, in one monumental study, not 1 but 2 leading British antiquities specialists conclude that all world myth has devolved from Genesis, not the reverse.

To see how this struggle is really over presuppositions not 'science' or 'evidence' please visit Lewis' "Science and Religion" in GOD IN THE DOCK. For one reason, it is from the 1940s. Nothing has changed. The momentum of Huxley and Lyell was set and still on course, but extremely faulty. Lewis explains it so simply: when we find something in nature so remarkable to be called a miracle even in slow motion, we no longer consult the mathematicians of the world; we must consult several others brands of inquiry. But scientists only work in predictable mathematics. They don't solve murders, explore psychical aspects, reflect on human nature. Yet the point of Genesis is that a Person with plans, not mere geological processes, formed this place, and there is no limit on his features and powers BECAUSE THERE CAN'T BE BY DEFINITION.

That is an antiquated way of saying this: the people who 'don't believe' in God are pretty much those who have so constricted his features and powers that the end product is a worthless comparison. I just don't get the idea there of compacting something so dynamic into the smallest space possible and then saying 'that's a person?' The God I'm talking about ripped up the earth's mantle in the deluge, flung sedimentary rock all over the place, bent pieces of granite like Ayers rock in to contorted shapes, blasted granite into "Yosemites" in a matter of hours, all of which is in both Biblical text and scientific finding about the deluge.

Grand Canyon's sediment is from New England, and the granite crystals of Ayers rock is sharp and broken, not rounded, and has led to an entire school of thought that the whole center of Australia, no small piece of dirt, was sloshed into place in a major upheaval of heat, ice, water, etc.

But I digress from presuppositions, and those presuppositions lead to destructive thinking. It is the ongoing effort, possibly of the ruling British class, to destroy the US Constitution with its Creator and inalienable rights and ascribe them to government, which would be atheist and manipulable, and uniformitarian. That is the problem for this election. One party would love to see that happen. And the founders of the US did not think that the freedom we have could last unless there were those core beliefs because they generate the necessary virtues; they do not reduce men to animals who must be caged at certain infraction points, although that system is necessary.

You might spend some time on the details provided even here by people like 6Days in the thread Creation vs Evolution in Religion. He is far more current than I am on details, and they are quite amazing.

So you'd have to convince me that the oxymoron liberal Christian should be allowed to exist. "The basic realities about life are conservative"--M. Thatcher.

How can you possibly match up the Creator of Genesis, Psalms and Isaiah and the uniformitarianism that seeks by intention to end Christianity and to dominate the world in master-racism? That's Lyell and Darwin's first page and dedication.

Finally, to show how awfully unscientific (how religious!) this uniformitarianism is, just look at the PBS or NOVA special called BUILDING NORTH AMERICA. It is silly and detached. As though the world has just sat still for millions of years and dust has accumulated in soil layers! lol


New member
It's all just story-telling.

The Democrats have typically spun the "we need to fix these things" narrative.The Republicans have long spun the "love it or leave it" narrative.

But Trump has upended that to a degree by heavily appealing to voters who feel disenfranchised by the changes in the economy, losses in the culture wars, and fear of terrorist infiltration of the US. Instead of peddling fear that conservatives might lose America, he's shifted to fear that it's already been lost and needs to be regained.

The Democrat shift is obvious. Distance themselves from Trump's doom and gloom and focus on a narrative of how great America has become to be the positive to Trump's negative.

It's just political positioning.