A Labor of Love


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A Labor of Love

This is the show from Monday September 2nd, 2013


* The BIG Three: Bob & special Labor Day co-host Doug McBurney celebrate that Bob Enyart Live promotes the three greatest assets that the Body of Christ has in the furtherance of a biblical worldview: Young Earth Creationism, Personhood, and the Christian Homeschool movement.

* Only You: Can keep Bob Enyart Live on the radio for another year. We need $35,000.00 to keep broadcasting on AM 670 KLTT through September 2014! So please visit our KGOV store right now to subscribe to any of Bob’s teaching series, or make a one time donation of $50 or more, and you will receive Bob’s latest DVD “How to be a Christian Family” as a thank you gift from BEL!

* EXPLAINING THE BEL ANNUAL SEPTEMBER TELETHON : We need to raise $35,000! Please click here to donate or here to subscribe to one of our resources! to help keep Bob Enyart Live, Theology Thursday, and Real Science Radio on the air for another year! If you value our efforts to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to promote a Christian worldview, then please help us! Please either sign up for one of our monthly subscriptions, or make a one-time or monthly donation! (The amount of a monthly donation or subscription gets multiplied by 10 and applied toward our vital goal!) UPDATE: Thanks to the listener who purchased the $1,000 Enyart Audio Library! Now there's just $34,000 to go!

LABOR DAY ABORTIONIST HOME VISIT: Please join Bob Enyart, Ken & Jo Scott, truth truck driver Ron Brock, and other pro-lifers at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, Sept. 2nd at the home of the notorious 'Masked Abortionist" Reid Goodman at 6000 S. Moline Way, Englewood, CO 80111. Bonus event: Within a mile of this abortionist's home is a Weitze Company residence, that is, the home of one of the builders of Coloardo's largest child-killing center. A few years back, when Weitz began planning to build this Planned Parenthood abortion mill, Denver pro-lifers told them, "If you build this abortion mill, then we will protest you at your homes for as many years as children are being killed in the facility that you build." So, please come out and help us keep our word! UPDATE: The event went well, at both the abortionist home and the Weitz executive's home, Don Gendall. Thanks to everyone who attended!