These people are grumblers and faultfinders. – Jude 1:16
Some modern believers act as if faultfinding is a virtue. The main objective of any conversation, meeting of believers or hearing a teaching is to try and find what is wrong in it. Instead of seeing the good in others they pick apart everything and always have something negative to say. They look for small problems in others and treat them as if they were big (Matthew 7:3). The faultfinder has a motive to build himself up by tearing others down. Many faultfinders can be filled with envy, discontented at the position and calling of others from God. Most faultfinders are not in any type of fruitful Christian ministry but are spectators always finding what is wrong in what they see. In envy he hurts others but it is himself he hurts the most. Just like the Pharisess they find fault in anything and even the sinless Son of God (Matthew 9:11). Faultfinders have very few friends or those who want to be around them because in the end they pick each one apart. These “mote-hunters” seek to find any small thing wrong with a minister or christian leader to try and disqualify them. They feel exalted in their ability to be able to see faults in others but this is a deception as its a work of the flesh. They will not be able to humble themselves to repent of their own sins because they are too busy looking at the sins of others. There is no spiritual gift of fault-finding, there is no virtue or benefit to it.
Basil the Great says, “If you see your neighbor in sin, don’t look only at this, but also think about what he has done or does that is good, and infrequently trying this in general, while not partially judging, you will find that he is better than you.” We are quick to look at the faults of others but at times slow to look at our own. The way of humility is to humble ourselves and see our own sin and need of mercy from God. f you have been judged by another brother or sister instead of finding fault in them also, leave them to God’s mercy. Instead of seeing to look at others faults we should seek to love them, show mercy, kindness, goodness (Galatians 5:22-23). Those who are overly critical lack peace and joy, suffering from tension and bodily problems. Faultfinders usually are not content with their own situations in life and therefore try to make others miserable by judging them. When we find fault, we sow discord amongst brethren, it divides, and does great damage. Faultfinders have a self-righteous attitude, a sense of superiority and they refuse to admit they are wrong. Let us not allow fault-finding in our life but put it away as its a work of the flesh (Galatians 5:20). Father in heaven, please forgive me for being critical and finding faults in others in your body. Give me grace to see the good in others and seek to uplift others in the Church. Amen.