A Biblical View of Ferguson, MO


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A Biblical View of Ferguson, MO

This is the show from Monday August 18th, 2014


* Lemon Scented Reporting: Bob & co-host Doug http://theweeklyworldview.com quote a CNN report of a “mostly peaceful” protest in Ferguson, Missouri in which he witnessed Molotov Cocktails & shootings!

* Cory Gardener’s Miscalculation: When Corey Gardener threw Brady Surovik and the Personhood of every child under the bus this election cycle, he should first have remembered God, and secondly, Ken Buck’s razor thin loss…


like marbles on glass
9:44 ... he's a homo? He's an African American homosexual reporter on CNN... lifetime appointment... he can't be fired."

16:35 About the eyewitnesses: "We already know they're lying."
Really, you know that? About all of them?

18:28 "Now will any of these witnesses, who have obviously lied... when Don and the other reporters talk about the police shooting Michael Brown, they always say the police shot Michael Brown, Michael Brown was allegedly doing this and allegedly doing that, but they never use the word allegedly when it comes to the police shooting."
So all the witnesses are liars, and the police "allegedly" shot Michael Brown, and we know all the facts which immediately preceded the shooting, so none of it should be termed "alleged."


This is pretty humorously ironic way to wind it up:

21:12"If you can't make it into hard science... you go to journalism school"
because I'm really sorry I wasted a half hour on this alleged "Biblical View of Ferguson, MO:"

"25:30 National security, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is one of the most effective things you can do toward national security... because if we're brothers in Christ we're a lot less likely to want to hurt each other..."

I'd change that to "if we're brothers in Christ, we're "allegedly" a lot less likely to want to hurt each other..." because I doubt that declaration is supportable by the evidence.


like marbles on glass
Nick's neg rep: August 20th, 2014 07:14 PM Nick M your evil will go to hell with you....:)

Yeah, you're just the kind of Christian I had in mind. Just full of salt and light you are... not. :)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Nick's neg rep: August 20th, 2014 07:14 PM Nick M your evil will go to hell with you....:)

Yeah, you're just the kind of Christian I had in mind. Just full of salt and light you are... not. :)
It seems to me he's being plenty salty. And also shining a light into your darkness.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

Three "allegedly" grown, "allegedly" Christian men acting like a bunch of jr. highers... way to illustrate my post, all of you.
Then let's see you explain how the three of us are acting like middle school children...


oh lighthouse, she's just being silly, throwing out insults in the hopes that something will wound

she's a sick, sick individual who seriously needs help
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Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Really, you know that? About all of them? ....So all the witnesses are liars, and the police "allegedly" shot Michael Brown, and we know all the facts which immediately preceded the shooting, so none of it should be termed "alleged."

Deconstructing the hell bound liberals post.....

Multiple witnesses came forward that contradicted witness testimony from police who were not the shooter. They claim his hands were in the air and he was shot in the back. CNN still talks about these claims as though they were legitimate. He was unarmed and shot in the back. This is the claim. When in fact he has two arms, and knows how to choke store clerks with them.

Not one shot was in the back. And cell phone "testimony" play by play corroborates that he charged the officer and it took six shots to bring him down. All shots were from the front.
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like marbles on glass
I'm waiting, Anna.

Because none of the three of you addressed any part of my post and instead found it more entertaining to toss ad homs.

So Nick finally did make a stab at answering in the the post below yours so I think maybe he figured it out. Although how he could concentrate with sod dancing around like a maniac I have no idea.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Because none of the three of you addressed any part of my post and instead found it more entertaining to toss ad homs.

So Nick finally did make a stab at answering in the the post below yours so I think maybe he figured it out. Although how he could concentrate with sod dancing around like a maniac I have no idea.
Can you show how we did that? Show for all three of us how we just threw ad hominem.


nick addressed your post in his rep comment

lighthouse addressed your post whining about nick

and i was commenting on what a miserable waste of time you've become ever since you had what little brains were in your head sucked out by town and replaced with oatmeal

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
So Nick finally did make a stab at answering in the the post below yours so I think maybe he figured it out.

No, I made the post to have it on record so you can not pretend you didn't know there was audio evidence supporting the officer's claims who was not the shooter.
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