88% of Men DON'T buy sex: Don't legalize it!


New member
Ex-prostitutes describe their exploitation and vulnerability
when Prostitution is NORMALIZED and made legal.

The extent of the crime then expands beyond expectations,
and the harm to the community is overwhelming.


New campaign urges Irish men to take stand against sex trafficking

Most Irish men have never paid for sex and claim that they never will, but can still play a vital role in fighting the “enslavement” of women caught up in the sex trade, the launch of a male-focused campaign against prostitution and sex trafficking has heard.
The campaign, named Prostitution-We Don’t Buy It, is the first all-island project to ask Irish males to stand up against prostitution and sex trafficking.
A Red C poll commissioned as part of the campaign found that 88 per cent of Irish men have never bought sex. Eight per cent of respondents admitted that they had, although “not regularly”.

The poll also offers new information about perceptions of the sex trade. Three out of four Irish adults believe women who sell sex have experienced abuse from sex buyers, while more than seven out of ten said they believed most women are drawn into prostitution by difficult circumstances such as poverty or other vulnerabilities.
The online poll surveyed the views of 1,033 adults between March 13th and 18th.
Sarah Benson, chief executive of Ruhama, one of the main campaign partners, said there needed to be recognition “that most Irish men never have and never will purchase sex”.
However, she said the campaign was asking them “to make a stand against a trade that exploits women and girls, and which results in profits for criminal gangs”.
Ms Benson said men who paid for sex never had any way of knowing if they were “buying from a coerced worker” and she said “the myth of the happy hooker is, sadly, just that”.

Launch speakers

The launch also heard from sex trade survivor and activist Rachel Moran and Tom Meagher of the Men’s Development Network.
Ms Moran said: “It is important that men say to each other in their private conversations that it is not okay.”
She also warned against legalising prostitution and said that in countries where it happened prostitution had “exploded”.
Mr Meagher, whose wife Jill was raped and murdered by serial rapist Adrian Bayley in the Australian city of Melbourne in 2012, said this campaign could be a turning point in male attitudes toward prostitution.
Mr Meagher spoke about the lies men tell themselves when paying for sex and the dehumanisation involved in the process.
“This dehumanisation comes from knowing that what they are doing is not right. If you pay for sex, the money is not buying consent, it is paying for the temporary suspension of the woman’s right not to consent.”

He said the lies of “consensual transactions” and the “pernicious lie of the male libido being beyond the control of the man who owns that libido. That feeds into a lie that we can’t help ourselves ”.

Mr Meagher also said there was a “need to end the lie that this is about sexual liberation. It isn’t, it is about sexual exploitation. The circumstances are usually coercive, but even if they are not, the buyer has no way of knowing .
“Ultimately, the only person making the choice is the buyer and the choices we make absolutely matter.”



Prostitution is a victimless crime.

I have known ex-prosites who mentioned nothing about being exploited or victimized. They instead talked of the feeling of empowerment they had.

And all the dinero they made. Many of them missed the life.

And for sexually-frustrated clients, they are a good outlet.

I am an favor of state-sanctioned Prostitution. Some of the money could go into the states' coffers. The girls would be making money. They would be protected. Clients would be satisifed and perhaps their outlet would prevent them from indulging in a sex crime.

Where is the harm? The girls would of course be there under their own choosing.

Legalize prostitution. Now! I am a registered voter and would vote for it in a heartbeat.

Thank you for providing a chance for me to air my views on this subject.


New member
Prostitution is a victimless crime.

I have known ex-prosites who mentioned nothing about being exploited or victimized. They instead talked of the feeling of empowerment they had.

And all the dinero they made. Many of them missed the life.

And for sexually-frustrated clients, they are a good outlet.

I am an favor of state-sanctioned Prostitution. Some of the money could go into the states' coffers. The girls would be making money. They would be protected. Clients would be satisifed and perhaps their outlet would prevent them from indulging in a sex crime.

Where is the harm? The girls would of course be there under their own choosing.

Legalize prostitution. Now! I am a registered voter and would vote for it in a heartbeat.

Thank you for providing a chance for me to air my views on this subject.

Did you even read the article, and the experiences of the women actually involved,
who are now dedicating their lives to helping women get out of prostitution,
and preventing young girls from being trapped in it?

Your experience for whatever its worth, is 'clinical'.
That is, its anecdotal and personal.

The research that has been done above is statistical,
and paints a much more accurate picture of what is really going on
in many countries where prostitution has been legalized and put in control of "the state".

Anyone of reasonable age and experience, should know that "the state"
is the last organization you want in charge of ethical policies and enforcement.

Look at the history of alcohol and its legalization and resulting devastation
upon communities everywhere.

Or gambling, its legalization and the rise of entrenched 'mafias'.


New member
Hall of Fame
Prostitution is a victimless crime.

Tell that to the young girls kidnapped and forced into it, and to the families of missing loved ones, and to women whose husbands get an std from a hooker and bring it home to them and i could go on and on.


New member

When Obama and Bush made ISRAEL give up land ,

we had Hurricanes and destruction in America.


New member

Prostitution is a victimless crime.

Where is the harm? .

Tell that to the victims....




New member
Lol. "The state is the last organization you want in charge of ethical policies and enforcement.". Doesn't that pretty much go against the whole concept of christianity? It's basically about putting the government in charge of "ethics". Of course, by ethics I mean hating gay people, not actual ethics like stopping corruption, bribery and quid pro quo.


New member
Lol. "The state is the last organization you want in charge of ethical policies and enforcement.". Doesn't that pretty much go against the whole concept of christianity? It's basically about putting the government in charge of "ethics". Of course, by ethics I mean hating gay people, not actual ethics like stopping corruption, bribery and quid pro quo.

Since the state is run by homosexual lawyers and secretive gangs of rich Nazis,
modern Christianity has to take a stand against it.

Not sure what your point is.

You speak as if Christianity's only 'morality' was being anti-gay.

But Christianity pretty much invented and supplied morality and ethics
for Western Civilization, whose morality was previously based on barbarianism
and pagan superstition.

Morality and Ethics went down the toilet when homosexual intellectuals
from Germany attacked Christianity relentlessly in the 19th century,
and tried to replace it with 19th century materialism and rationalism.

That agenda, in being 'successful' was the biggest FAIL in modern history.

Now every vice and evil has been multiplied beyond foreseeable belief,
even by hardcore satanists and anarchists like Aleister Crowley.

The German anti-religious movement
can be blamed for World War II,
the Holocaust, and even the formation of the modern secular Israeli state,
among other evils, like mass-abortion, legalization of prostitution and drug dealing.

P.S. you keep getting banned and then pop back as another sock-puppet.

Maybe you should get a life instead of stalking Christian threads.


New member
Lol. Of course, by ethics I mean hating gay people, not actual ethics like stopping corruption, bribery and quid pro quo.

right. It is hating gays to want them to repent so they can avoid Hell

you libs are the ones who don't give a rip about them.

but of course you don't believe in Hell. You will believe when you are there.. and when you see that all those you "loved" are also there--and see that they are there b/c of YOU

I guess some have to see to believe... or be there to believe..



New member
12 % of Irish men is a lot of people. Global numbers would be all the more higher.

yes, its actually a high number in terms of disappointment.

It may reflect IQ or some other unforeseen factors.

It would be good to see what the correlations are,
and the demographics of prostitution users.