Hyperinflation? Look out. Of all the dollars in circulation 78% of them have been printed since January 2020. We went from M1 supply being $4 trillion to $18 trillion in that period. One of the most well-known, and first discovered, laws of economics is that whatever currency is being used that the more common it is the higher prices will be. This was first discovered around 1000 AD by a group of priests. They did a study of two areas of Spain. In one area there was a lot of gold mining going on. Gold was everywhere. Everybody had a bunch of it. In another area of Spain there was very little gold. In the area where there was a lot of gold prices were sky high. In the area with very little gold prices were low.
The western US during gold runs proved this too. A boom town during a gold run was very expensive to live in. For instance, it was very common for a single egg to cost $5. Twenty miles away in a non boom town that same $5 worth of gold would buy several dozen eggs. The difference was the availability of gold.
So just think about the number of dollars floating around at the end of 2019 an compare that with the number of dollars floating around in 2021. 2021 has 4.5 times as many dollars in circulation than 2019 did.
The western US during gold runs proved this too. A boom town during a gold run was very expensive to live in. For instance, it was very common for a single egg to cost $5. Twenty miles away in a non boom town that same $5 worth of gold would buy several dozen eggs. The difference was the availability of gold.
So just think about the number of dollars floating around at the end of 2019 an compare that with the number of dollars floating around in 2021. 2021 has 4.5 times as many dollars in circulation than 2019 did.
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