Algorithm to Genocide – Conservative Talk – The Weekly Worldview
Algorithm to Genocide Posted on May 23, 2021 Listen in as America’s most attractive audio engineer and her host analyze what’s happening with smart people doing dangerously stupid things, over and over. Find out how the investigation of a suicide in courtroom could be a harbinger of bad things to come, how the culture produced a godless generation, how LEGO’s gone LGBTQAI+, and how the people leading the American Medical Association AMA have committed their organization, themselves, and even their own families to suffering and death in their casting away of reason in favor of hate. But there is still real medicine out there! And, if we ever stop obsessing over this one particular ailment, perhaps we can get back on track to discovering how it is our God-given immune system, brains and environment can cure a whole bunch of ailments! Franklin Graham is a heretic. The sheep are in the grips of COVID Derangement Syndrome, even as real scientists at MIT say not to worry so much. The Church of England is tossing out saints in favor of BAME. Gangs are roving the streets of America hunting Jews, Critical Race Theory is mandatory for the devouring souls in the government schools, and in Calgary pastor Tim Stephens was cast into prison for bowing before the wrong god. All that along with peafowl and grapevines and Asian Minority Ethnic Female Privilege, at the link below! DOWNLOAD THIS WEEK’S CONSERVATIVE TALK HERE! TITLED: ALGORITHM TO GENOCIDE – MP3 |