Since millions of people lost their jobs due to lockdowns many people haven't been able to pay their rent. And now the moratorium on evictions is set to expire this week. The result is that 4 out of every ten renters is facing eviction because that is how many renters haven't been able to pay their rent. What we are going to see is a massive increase in homelessness unless Democrats and Republicans agree to keep jobbing the landlords who are also struggling to pay their bills.
The rest of this article can be found here.
Just another one of those times in which "i shot my mouth off". Well, here comes the fulfillment of my prediction.
The eviction moratorium expired last Friday nearly four months after the US economy effectively shutdown due to the covid pandemic, and more than 12 million renters - all behind on rent payments because of the virus-induced recession - are now at imminent risk of getting booted to the curb.
This Friday, some 25 million Americans will no longer receive their weekly $600 federal unemployment checks, and the next round of government handouts, currently discussed by Republicans and Democrats, could see benefits slashed from $600 to $200 (or be nothing at all if no deal is reached in Congress). This would crush household finances across middle-class America, resulting in an even higher number of households unable to pay their rent bill in the months ahead.
That said, Trump's top economic advisor Larry Kudlow, who has religiously pumped stocks with meaningless headlines any time the S&P is even barely in the red, recently said an extension for the eviction moratorium program could be seen. But what if there isn't one?
In late July, more than 31 million Americans collected unemployment benefits of some form. The economic recovery reversed in late June, as the next crisis among households looms.
“It’s like nothing we’ve ever seen,” said John Pollock, coordinator of the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel.In 2016, there were 2.3 million evictions, Pollock said.“There could be that many evictions in August,” he said.
The rest of this article can be found here.
Just another one of those times in which "i shot my mouth off". Well, here comes the fulfillment of my prediction.