Poll: 40 percent of American voters want President Trump impeached
Friday, Feb 3, 2017
Only two weeks into Donald Trump’s presidency and the American people are already done with him. More than a third of the country wants to see the president impeached, according to the latest national poll from Public Policy Polling (PPP).
A stunning 40 percent of voters participating in the survey said that they already wanted to impeach him, up from the 35 percent that wanted to see him go a week ago. Less than a majority of respondents — 48 percent of voters — indicated they would oppose Trump’s impeachment.
It appears voters are yearning for America of yesteryear, as 52 percent of those polled said that they would rather have Obama as president, while only 43 percent said that they prefer Trump.
“Usually a newly elected President is at the peak of their popularity and enjoying their honeymoon period after taking office right now,”
Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling, said in a press release. “But Donald Trump’s making history once again with a sizeable share of voters already wanting to impeach him, and a majority of voters wishing they could have Barack Obama back.”
A record 40% of those polled would support the impeachment of Trump after just 2 weeks in office.
"The Donald" is just 1 major scandal away from impeachment proceedings and the question remains as to how long Republican politicians in the House and Senate will remain loyal to this President once they feel he has put their seats in jeopardy.